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Vamo Woe...


May 9, 2013
Crikey, this vaping lark can be a pain in the a*s at times! :oops:

Okay, the latest update.

I found a couple of liquids I liked after really struggling at first, and have been vaping them happily on an ego/evod/mini-nova setup for a few weeks. Atties at around the mid range of 2.2 - 2.4ohm. It's a Joyetech ego so I believe likely to be quite reliably around 3.3v.

Then, I decide for some unkown reason (that most of you will be familiar with I suspect!) that I should buy a VV/VW device to further my vaping journey. Being pretty much broke, I decided to go for a Vamo, and I threw a Protank into the cart at the same time. As you do.

When it arrived and the batteries had been charged etc... I filled the Protank with my favourite juice and toked away with great anticipation. Foul. At seemingly any voltage within the green range of the charts. To add to the foul taste, unsatisfyingly airy draw from the Protank too.

I persevered at the bottom end of the green range through a tank and first refill, thinking that it might need to settle down - no improvement. I can't decide if it tasted burnt or not, but it was horrible. I put my Mini Nova and then Evod on, both of which started to taste similarly horrible.

What I really don't understand is how the device delivering the power can change the taste of the juice so much when all the other variables are the same. So for example - if I'm using my old Evod, with the same resistance attie, and I've set the Vamo to the same voltage as the Ego. Surely it should be pretty much the same?

Every combination at every setting has tasted grim. I've tried fresh heads and within a couple of minutes they're tasting foul again.

This is so bizarre - surely it shouldn't feel like such hard work getting a satisfactory vape? I've ordered a Nova STV as a last resort, but if that tastes horrible too I think I'll swap or flog it.

I wonder if the unit is faulty and not delivering a true power level? It's in RMS mode, but I don't have a multimeter to check it with and wouldn't know how to use it anyway.

I'm disillusioned all over again! I thought I'd cracked it when I found a juice I actually liked, and now that's gone to pot.

Any ideas guys, or am I just a lost cause?

Yours in desperation,

Bugger, was going to say have you pushed one of the buttons until you see a number 2.....

And also the airy draw is an inherent issue with the protank.

I say issue, some like it... Others use wax, blu-tak and other random gubbins to fill one or two of the air holes :)
Bugger, was going to say have you pushed one of the buttons until you see a number 2.....


Yeah, I got all excited when I saw a reference to that, thinking that mine had been shipped in the other mode. Unfortunately it hadn't.....
Yeah, I got all excited when I saw a reference to that, thinking that mine had been shipped in the other mode. Unfortunately it hadn't.....

That's unusual... as almost all of them do.

But if you've tried it in both modes, that really is a puzzler.
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