Not a 100% sure but don't you get funny readings on a multimeter because the vamo pwn delivery
You are definetely right, you would need more than a garden variety multimeter to measure the actual output on a modulated pulse device.
And you would need to set it right too.
Typically, if it wasn't a resistance mounted in a atty, the right way of measuring it would be to average of the pulses voltage over the time unit.
That's what the vamo designers figured out people would do for checking the device output and compare it to what the display showed. Unfortunately, this produced an actual wattage (heat) much higher, so despite what the averaged figure might say, the actual equivalent voltage was much higher, particularly when setting the device at low watts/volts.
It's so funny how, in order to ensure geeks would be happy with the vamo precision, they had to design a faulty device
The revision introduced the second mode, which is correct.