Worth pursuing if the dry hits are bearable.Still getting dry hits, seen a couple of videos showing different techniques. Rather than pulling wick through it could be to fluff the cotton first then actually push it in and pack it that way. That's tomorrow's plan. [emoji3]
The strips supplied are 40mm long which shows with the 316 at 0.22, cut one in half to 20mm came out at 0.09 could be problematic but also looked difficult to wick, cut 10mm off and came out at 0.16 and looked better suited size wise but sleeve on there is so little room between deck and airflow, surprised you had no seepage.
I would test it without any wick tails, you don't really need them, might make a difference and as you say stuff with super fluffy cotton with just a couple of mm either end.
Hope to test it soon myself, too knackered from work to try tonight.