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Vape 1 Fags nil


Dec 2, 2017
Hi All,
Have been 3 weeks off the cigs now thanks to the Smok Alien and Nautilus 2 with plenty of Silver blend eliquid.
I must say that this forum is superb for just reading whilst have a vape and kicking back.
I have only ordered from my local vape shop in Milton Keynes, and only tobacco tasting liquid, wont be long till I am trying different liquids and seeing if I can out smoke my car lol.
Having tried giving up before with patches and gum and a inhalator I find using the vape a must easier way of getting the nicotine fix and I will be able to go from 12mg to 6mg in a week or two and then go down to 3mg and then vape without nicotine in the future.
Welcome to POTV, well done on quitting the coffin nails! [emoji4]
Welcome to the forum and congratulations on kicking the habit.
Whilst I'm mostly on 3mg I still find that I have to occasionally revert to 6mg when the craving really kicks in. Previously I thought I was craving cigs but after a few relapses I tried higher nic liquid and realised it was just more nicotine that I needed!
Hello Craig, Welcome to the Planet! Congratulations on quitting the stinkies.
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