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Vape Burps?


Dec 17, 2017
Hi. I get terrible vape burps. Sometimes it keeps me up at night. I avoid meeting people, sometimes, in case I have to burp a lot. A normal burp would just come and go - quite pleasant most of the time - but these attacks I suffer can be terribly drawn out affairs, lasting hours.
It comes and goes. I wouldn't class it as medically significant (not being a doctor) but it sure is annoying. And embarrassing.
It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does I'll invariably be sitting at home chain vaping.
I'd like to know if anyone else suffers from this foul affliction and what measures you've taken to ameliorate your symptoms. And maybe if there's enough of us, we could start a group dedicated to self help remedies - be it lucozade, rennies, herbal tinctures or darke magicke.
Please help me
This is a new one .. I am posting because I am childish and await possible comedy from body noises .
I prefer a good fart, sometimes verging on shitting myself...but that's all part of fun :p
Is it with the same juice types ?

I get a certain amount of acid reflux with some lemon vapes, especially if they need to steep a bit longer after that I find they don’t give me reflux.
Is it with the same juice types ?

I get a certain amount of acid reflux with some lemon vapes, especially if they need to steep a bit longer after that I find they don’t give me reflux.
I don't think it's a specific flavour, more of a result of vaping for hours on end. It doesn't stop me. It's just...annoying.
If it's not a result of all the gassy lager consumed, while lounging about vaping, (cider does it for me). Then it's because for some reason you are swallowing to much air when you vape.

The cure for the first possibility, is switch to brandy.
For the second probable cause, I ain't got a clue, as it will have something to do with the way you vape. Just bear in mind, it's always better to hear it than smell it.
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