Tbh I'm not looking for a 'cure', as it's annoying but that's about it. I was trying to find out if it's just me...but as a previous post mentions, it does happen to some. Shame really as I was looking forward to sharing burp stories with similarly inconvenienced vapers. I'll burp on alone, I guess. Cheers all!
It's definitely a chain vaping thing. Windy pops sounds far too mild a description for what I'm experiencing. I'd call it a prolonged outbreak of violent mouth farts.I’ve not had the burps but around the 3rd day of vaping I was getting a tight chest and mild pains. Started to worry a little and then a few hours later I started to burp and oh boy did I burp! I think I was probably swallowing the vapour on the inhale. Tempered my consumption a little now and not had any windy pops since
I like an airy vape. Can't really see how to take in less apart from closing down the air flow. Worth a go! Cheers.This reminds me of when babies get trapped wind caused by taking in too much air when drinking a bottle. The only thing I can suggest would be trying not to take in too much air when vaping
Aaaah. That post dinner vape. And the first of the day... Nicups? Nicotine hiccups?No burps, but as when we were smokers most of the time when I’ve just finished eating I reach for a setup.
If I inhale too deeply immediately after eating I get Nicups.
Quite novel really. Mixing Plaice and doughnut at the back of your throat as you bring up food breath and inhale vapour is a very individual experience.
Aaaah. That post dinner vape. And the first of the day... Nicups? Nicotine hiccups?
Plaice and doughnut sounds disgusting.
Halibut and cheesecake, on the other hand...