Dont go there fella, I have gone through the stuff they are awaiting delivery of, and I know what I am going to order and in what sequence, now that is sad! I might just arrange a direct debit with them, and get one of everything sent!
Just to add a little more - I have now received my Kaifun from Vape Geek, and feck me, what a vape. Quick look on YouTube to see how to master this little beastie and straight into probably the best vape so far from the rebuildables I seem to be amassing at the present time!
sorry to hop on your thread, but I just want to echo your praise for @Vape Geek , I received my kf 3.1 yesterday and it's stunning (my first rba). A couple of youtubes vids here too and I was soon up and running this afternoon, my rda is having a rest now
You hop on in @pabs! Isn't the KF3.1 just the bloody business? This is my third decent rebuildable, in a week! I've been so crap at wicking and coiling previously that I'd given up on them. Cue @Merino-Teflon with soothing words and a hint to the wise, and I'm up and running like a professional!
High five for us two vaping crusaders!
OK @pabs, let me tell you something - just between us, OK?
When I wicked it the first time, I actually ran the wick THROUGH the two channels into the tank! It tasted a bit dry, so I looked up the video, and re-did it, and what a difference! The vacuum is bloody marvelous!
Let's keep this between us, OK, I would hate to be thought of as any more of a pleb than I already am!
Enjoy your evening of vaping heaven!