I know I am considered older than Dust, rightly so I suspect, but I really can't handle being called "Bruv" or whatever by someone old enough to be my Grandson. It happened recently when I was waiting for Carol who was having her eye test and a few doors down was a Vape Shop. I was only looking in their window!!! This Bearded Dickhead appeared and started trying to engage me in conversation.
"You got one of them Billet Box things then Bruv, what you need is a decent Mod and RDA"
Do I?
"Yeah Bruv them Billet Boxes is old news innit!"
Are they?
"Yeah Bruv, people is getting rid an buying powerful Kit these days"
Interesting. I wonder why that should be?
"Yeah Bruv people wants clouds and shit now!"
Ah well, I like what I am getting from this old hat thing so that's good enough for me
"Yeah Bruv, I expect you ain't too up on whats around nowadays? Maybe get on a forum or a facebook group coz them are well wicked"
Thanks, I will.
Makes me wonder sometimes. Now, where's my Bathchair and Cane?