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vapers tongue


Jan 15, 2018
i'm sorry if this has all ready been posted before. opps that was me! lol but I have a bad case of vapers tongue and new questions. if I vaped plain nicotine would it get rid of it. I've been trying to change my e liquid but its not working. if I vape plain nic how long would I have to do it for?
I think it is going to depend somewhat on the individual . I doubt there is a universal fits all time limit .
I’m pretty sure I’ve read it’s approx 2 years somewhere.
But.. don’t quote me on that
Are you sure its Vapers tongue and not just your atty performing badly or even crappy juice?
Menthol! That's what i use when i get a touch of the VT....clears the pallet....but i vape quite a few menthol based juices anyway..so it hasn't happened to me in a while.

But do check your coils are performing properly first.
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i'm sorry if this has all ready been posted before. opps that was me! lol but I have a bad case of vapers tongue and new questions. if I vaped plain nicotine would it get rid of it. I've been trying to change my e liquid but its not working. if I vape plain nic how long would I have to do it for?
Are you drinking enough water?
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