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vapers tongue

You could just ditch flavoured liquid and puff nic shots all the time. It’s not bad, and you’ll not need to worry about flavour or hammer your tastebuds with all those artificial chemicals.
You could just ditch flavoured liquid and puff nic shots all the time. It’s not bad, and you’ll not need to worry about flavour or hammer your tastebuds with all those artificial chemicals.

Boring as fuck though....might as well no bother...n just hang yourself and be done with it:D
Did you stress yourself out about getting flavour out fags, though?

Nope I tasted them and enjoyed the full on tobacco flavour......if the fags/cigars had been flavourless I would nae have bothered smoking, by the way Im nae stressing man....only had vapers tongue the one time....yonks ago when I hammered manabush powwow...all day and all night...soon learned that flavour rotation is key
Nope I tasted them and enjoyed the full on tobacco flavour......if the fags/cigars had been flavourless I would nae have bothered smoking, by the way Im nae stressing man....only had vapers tongue the one time....yonks ago when I hammered manabush powwow...all day and all night...soon learned that flavour rotation is key

Fags taste rank. It’s no nice at all.

I’m no suggesting you’re stressing @Rickster but I think some folk do though.
“Help an goin back on the fags a canny taste ma banana milkshake liquid!”
Fags taste rank. It’s no nice at all.

I’m no suggesting you’re stressing @Rickster but I think some folk do though.

I think it goes beyond just getting a nicotine fix though. You smoke because there's no alternative so you get used to something you teach yourself to like and you stick with it. Ok you may get into fine tobaccos but that is a little different.

With vaping you can go the way of my OH who only vapes menthol because she smoked menthol and is perfectly happy with that method of Nic fix or you go the way of the hobbyist. My OH simply vapes to stop smoking.

Id say many here are hobbyists and have the aim of getting the best flavour they can from the hardware they own and so this surpasses the pure need for nicotine.

I know I get pissed off when my fav flavour doesn't taste right and will fuss over it for ages until it does because that's what I like from the hobby side of vaping. If I was out in the pub with the lads I could easily just toot pure freebase as all im interested in is the nicotine.
Aye I get what you’re saying @Discomatt but I’m not convinced that vaping would be a lot less popular if flavoured liquid wasn’t a thing. Puffing unflavoured liquid is very satisfying, if that’s what it was when I started I’m sure I’d still have chucked fags. I’m sure I could switch to unflavoured liquid all the time if it was somehow a necessity, without any problem.

What happens is people become obsessed with it. And many premade liquids are overflavoured, making matters worse.
Aye I get what you’re saying @Discomatt but I’m not convinced that vaping would be a lot less popular if flavoured liquid wasn’t a thing. Puffing unflavoured liquid is very satisfying, if that’s what it was when I started I’m sure I’d still have chucked fags. I’m sure I could switch to unflavoured liquid all the time if it was somehow a necessity, without any problem.

What happens is people become obsessed with it. And many premade liquids are overflavoured, making matters worse.

I totally agree with you Mister Zou. Plain is fine and people would just accept it for what it is and it certainly does the trick!

I think the obsessive thing comes when anything becomes a hobby. When I started cycling I had a bike. That was it, just a bike. Non descript with wheels and it got me about and all was good. Then I joined a forum and within a year I was obsessing over gear ratios and the weight of everything and so on. I ended up spending more time building and fiddling with the bloody things than I did riding them. Then there was the clothes - Hundreds upon hundreds on skin tight bullshit. but it kept me happy.

Maybe ill try a week of just 18mg freebase. It might cure me of this new obsession.
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