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Vaping and Diabetes


Jul 24, 2015
Just wondering if there are any fellow Diabetics here and views on how vaping can effect blood sugar levels
Another Type2 here too. Ironically enough, I was talking about this with my GP only yesterday evening! ;)
She seemed perfectly happy with everything to do with this, she too is now a vaper and has been a diabetic since childhood. Never had any reason to judge it as being a negative.;)
I'm type 2 and test 3 or 4 times a day. I've been vaping for nearly 4 months now and my blood sugar has never been affected by vaping.
I'm type 2 and miss cake. God how I miss cake.

Vaping gives me the sweety I crave for, not in the same way of course, but it'll have to do. Until the last Saturday of the month when i'm allowed some cake.
Thanks everyone for the comforting support, was just wondering because my sugars are up a bit again and my juice consumption has gone up, is cake and chocolate bad :18:
I found that when I had a very brief flirtation with a Dessert Liquid instead of my usual Tobacco Liquids that my levels jumped about all over the place, but couldn't really say that it would have been down to this change? However.... Twiglets are Good!! :thumbup: Cake is good too, but like Vaped Crusader, only on very special occasions nowadays.:(
Type 1 diabetic for 7 years, vaping for 2 & have not had any noticeable fluctuations in blood sugar or a higher HbA1c
Just wondering if there are any fellow Diabetics here and views on how vaping can effect blood sugar levels

Yes i have been diabetic 36 years type 1. i had a chat with my Specialist and she said that it shouldn't really make a lot of difference due to the fact you don't actually absorb much of the sugar from the vapour you breath nearly all of it back out. One tip i will give is always make sure you wash your hands before taking your blood sugar reading. You only need a bit of juice to give a false raeding.
I vape 80% vg juice and the other 20% is usually flavouring. i will say this in almost nine months i am happy that vaping has made no difference to my control, but has really helped with bloodflow and i am pleased because if i had continued to smoke somewhere down the line i would have probably caused an amputation, my right leg is a lot better than it was when i smoked. which i did for 27 years.
another tip would be to, on a day where you are just at home vaping a lot check your bloodsugar once every hour and see if there seems to be any big changes.
what type of diabetes do you have type 1 or 2. I am on an insulin pump so can and have checked my blood sugar versus vaping by letting the pump give me my hourly dose and say have a good breakfast time reading skip breakfast check hourly until lunch for a difference. Then eat lunch another day do similar but skip lunch instead then another day skip evening meal this way you know food is playing no part in any alterations in bloodsugar.
i hope this is helpful to you. But i don't mind if you want to pm me with any questions. I will try to help
Just to add type 1 diabetes you can eat what the hell you want as long as you are taking enough insulin to breakdown the carbohydrate, no sweet things is or was a myth which is no longer subscribed to, however the higher the intake of carbs the more chance of a hightened blood sugar during the period it takes the insulin to break it down which i have learned takes a 5 hour period, my insulin is novarapid.
I had to do a course before i went onto the pump which is how i found out all the things i have mentioned i have much better control over the 5 years i have been a pump user
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