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Vaping Biker vs The Case Maker Giveaway !!! & Review

hushed tones as the audience settle

Dermot walks back on the stage the two final contestants shake hands and look at each other.

"Can we have some calm ladies, gentleman, tonight, on this night of all nights the winner of the great giveaway is"



well there you have it, well-done @mammo I'm sorry to all who didn't win, don't worry there may be another giveaway this year who knows,

but there will be another cabinet very soon to get the juices flowing this one I have raised the bar, in fact I have cut the bar up its called

"the coilest cabinet"

I'm leaning on it in my avatar

pm to you mammo

but for the meantime.....

if you love my cases, cabinets, bags, stands, then like them......buy one. I can say now "as seen on you tube!!!"

My suspenders are killing me! Must stop wearing the wife's instead of me own
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