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Vaping is under threat


May 5, 2014
If you are reading this there is a good chance that you are new to the world of vaping, so firstly WELCOME to the community :welcome1:

Vaping has been around since 2006, and has increased greatly in popularity. Vaping is what is known as a 'disruptive technology' - it developed outside the normal channels by which consumer products are brought to the market. As a result of that it has been largely unregulated, but this is about to change.

In every country across the world governments are introducing regulations. In some countries these are extremely restrictive, to the point where the purchase of vaping products is banned. In others there has so far been a somewhat more enlightened approach.

Now don't get me wrong, regulations with regards to vaping are not all bad - in fact I would go as far as to say that some regulation is essential. The key is that the regulation needs to be proportionate, and a ban on vaping or purchasing vaping products most definitely is not that.

Now before you all run around screaming like chickens with their heads cut off, all is not lost. There are a large and varied range of campaigns, lobbying and legal actions taking place. These aim to shape regulation in a way that protects people from shoddy products and prevents the purchase of products by children, but still allows vaping to exist and grow and fulfil its potential AND YOU CAN HELP.

I have listed some of the most important actions and organisations (imo) that are fighting on behalf of vaping, along with links that allow you to sign up and show your support, add your name to a petition, or otherwise get involved. If you want to take it further and become an active vaping advocate there are lots of opportunities within the organisations listed.

The New Nicotine Alliance (NNA) is a registered charity whose board is made up of vapers, public health analysts and scientists. They are involved in lobbying the British government, advising professional bodies and briefing the media with regards to reduced risk nicotine delivery devices. You can sign up to be a supporter here Supporter sign-up form - New Nicotine Alliance UK

M.O.V.E is a body of scientists and medical professionals that are in support of vaping and electronic cigarettes. If your doctor or other health professional is in support of vaping please pass them the details of the organisation and ask them to sign up https://sciencecig.wordpress.com/move/

AIDUCE is the French Independent Association of Electronic Cigarette Users, their petition against the implementation of the Tobacco Products Directive has been gathering strength. Anyone can sign it, the rules which affect all of us could be defeated in any country, and all of us would reap the benefit. This page provides an English translation of the petition - clicking on the picture at the top takes you to the online form. Aiduce Anti TPD Petition | vapers.org.uk

CASAA is the Consumer Advocates for Smokefree Alternatives Association in America. It started out on a vaping forum in 2009 and now has over 40,000 members. You can sign up to be notified of any Calls to Action for the area in which you live, and you can also add your testimonial to their collection of success stories about vaping and smoke-free alternatives. http://casaa.org/E-cig_User_Testimonials.html

Vapers in Power is a political party, registered in the UK with the Electoral Commission. The party was set up by a group of ordinary vapers in response to a clause in the Tobacco Products Directive that could have a direct effect on the free speech of vapers. Each week they publish a Call to Action on the forums, Facebook and Twitter which has things you can do to help vaping. These include petitions, protests, letters and government consultations. http://vapersinpower.co.uk/call-to-action
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Too many people "show off" in public (e.g. pubs etc). We need to vape responsibly and realise that vaping inside is a privilege, not a right. Abuse a privilege and it will be taken away!

Big clouds are a big problem in enclosed places.
Too many people "show off" in public (e.g. pubs etc). We need to vape responsibly and realise that vaping inside is a privilege, not a right. Abuse a privilege and it will be taken away!

Big clouds are a big problem in enclosed places.

A couple of years ago was a problem, where I live it seems to be calming down. I would never smoke in a building, the smoke might not be toxic but when I wasn't vaping you could really smell the flavours and sometimes it wasn't very nice so I do have respect for others.

It would be ridiculous to ban vaping, vaping going to save hospitals money. They may try to ban but I doubt they'll get far. If vaping in buildings are banned I'd understand, people are still not sure how toxic e-liquids are. First they were fine then toxic and dangerous now okay again.
Look at Indiana in the US

If you think they can't or won't pass laws that are a direct attack on vaping just check out what passed here in Indiana in the US...

The making of DIY Juice was even made illegal... :12:
Anywhere the governments lose out on money, all of a sudden that particular sector gets attacked. It is what we have come to expect of these blood sucking leeches. I cannot understand for one second how anyone can put up a counter vaping argument while cigs are still LEGAL in those countries.
Yes, there may be risks with vaping, yes, there are parts of vaping still being discovered scientifically and so forth, BUT what we do know is that CIGS KILL, cigs cause cancer, cigs are a burden on the nhs, and cigs cause all sorts of horrible nasties, and the most important one of all PEOPLE QUIT CIGS WITH HELP FROM VAPING.
Anyone who cant see this is a fanny.
Anywhere the governments lose out on money, all of a sudden that particular sector gets attacked. It is what we have come to expect of these blood sucking leeches. I cannot understand for one second how anyone can put up a counter vaping argument while cigs are still LEGAL in those countries.
Yes, there may be risks with vaping, yes, there are parts of vaping still being discovered scientifically and so forth, BUT what we do know is that CIGS KILL, cigs cause cancer, cigs are a burden on the nhs, and cigs cause all sorts of horrible nasties, and the most important one of all PEOPLE QUIT CIGS WITH HELP FROM VAPING.
Anyone who cant see this is a fanny.

I don't see how anyone can argue against easyboss's post. I will quote this to anyone who promotes the banning of vaping :thumbsup:
They banned vaping indoors in Wales last month, meaning all vapers who are trying to quit smoking have to go outside and join the dirty smokers. How does that make sense? Laws are meant to protect people not force them against their will. Surely, it's the owner's responsibility and decision whether to allow vaping indoors or not.
They banned vaping indoors in Wales last month, meaning all vapers who are trying to quit smoking have to go outside and join the dirty smokers. How does that make sense? Laws are meant to protect people not force them against their will. Surely, it's the owner's responsibility and decision whether to allow vaping indoors or not.

Don`t shoot me down in flames here for saying this, BUT whether you are vaping or smoking, everyone has the right not to be infused by any type of smokey cloud / vapour / cig smoke / weed, or whatever. This is the reason the ban was probably brought in.
Now, i wouldnt be so meek if they called for a vaping ban outright, but to do so indoors, i guess it is only fair to look at it from the other side of the fence too. Just my opinion ofcourse.
HOWEVER i agree, the government should get their dirty mitts off the vaping industry and the decision should have been left to the owners of these businesses / establishments.
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