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Vaping/Quitting smoking and my hive breakout


May 18, 2017
Hi All,

I just wanted to share something that happened to me when I made the switch from smoking to vaping.

I was a pack a day smoker for about 12 years. I used to smoke menthols. I decided I really wanted to quit smoking and that vaping was probably the way to do it. I got myself an Innokin T18 and lots of liquid (18mg/12mg 50/50 liquids).

If you can’t be bothered to read the rest – here’s the short version!

- Quit smoking and was vaping for 5 days
- Day 6 broke out in hives
- Went to doctors. I thought I was allergic to vaping. Doc said unlikely. Prescribed industrial strength antihistamines!
- Hives went on for 10days
- Hives were due to quitting smoking not vaping

Here’s the detailed version of what happened.

I quit on a Monday and by the weekend I was feeling great. I hit the pub and had A LOT to drink. Unfortunately I did reach for the cigarettes and I had a couple that night along with a terrible Chinese take-away. The next day I was hanging. Head down a toilet, absolutely horrendous hangover!

I felt so rough I couldn’t even vape. In the afternoon about 4pm my feet started itching. I didn’t think much of it. 3am and I woke up to an outbreak of hives all over my chest, arms and stomach. It was quite alarming.

Sunday I was still taking antihistamines. Monday I knew I better go and see the doctors. My first thought was that I was having some crazy allergic reaction to the vaping. Anything that touched my skin seemed to bring me out in hives that would last about 10 minutes and then fade away. Then for no reason appear somewhere else. I was also getting them around my lips – they weren’t like a rash, more of a mild swelling that felt hot.

My doctor said that it was very unlikely I was allergic to vaping. She could see some reasons for this mystery outbreak of hives, I was allergic to something in the terrible Chinese I ate (but that was also unlikely given the time inbetween), I had a virus, I was suffering from an extreme hangover…..or it was simply that I had quit smoking. Being allergic to the eliquid wasn’t something she could entirely rule out altogether but out of all of the above it was the least likely in her eyes.

The hives continued quite badly for about a week. They weren’t bad enough to keep me off work, and antihistamines did provide relief but it was uncomfortable – more worrying than anything. The second week they started to reduce in severity until they eventually just stopped. In total I had them about 10 days.

Conclusion being in the end, it was stopping smoking that did it. My body was just doing its thing I guess. I’ve been vaping for 6 months now and the hives have never returned.

I thought it was important to share my experience in case you know of anyone else who suffers from something similar and immediately puts it down to vaping and goes back to cigarettes. Vaping did aggravate the hives, whenever I vaped, I’d get more hives – but this is purely because of the nicotine. It was like my body was hypersensitive to everything. Everytime you have nicotine your heart increases, blood flows, etc etc and that would provide a temporary increase in the hives. I’d also get them slightly worse eating/drinking anything very cold or hot, or for example, having a hot bath or wearing tight clothes. I did find reducing my mg in the eliquid helped and I was onto 12mg very quickly.

But the hives were definitely a reaction to quitting. Interestingly it’s listed as a side effect of stopping smoking on the NHS website.

So if you hear of anyone say – I’m allergic to vaping because I broke out in a rash/hives – maybe point them here. Like my doctor said it isn’t something you can totally rule out and of course you can be allergic to flavouring! But most people hit adulthood and know what they are and are not allergic too. It’s very rare (not impossible but rare) for an adult to suddenly become allergic to nuts or vanilla flavouring.

As my Doctor said if you were allergic to the ingredients in ecigs (flavouring, VG or PG) chances are you’d have known about it before now. Plus that type of allergic reaction would present itself quickly, i.e. from the moment I had my first vape – not several days after vaping with no issue.

That was her steer with me as the patient sat in front of her. I don’t want to make out like I have indepth medical experience, I’m only sharing what happened to me. I'm very glad though that my Doctor is a sensible lady who knew a little about ecigs. I can imagine some people might not have that from their GP.

If you or anyone around you is having an allergic reaction, you should seek medical attention quickly - if only to ensure you are given the right antihistamines, if it’s severe then immediately go to A&E!

But this might be comforting for someone who is having a mild outbreak similar to mine a few days after they quit smoking. More comforting, it does end and it is the effects of stopping the icky sticks - I like to think of it now as my body quickly cleansing itself :)
thanks for posting. always good for new members having things like this documented as sometimes we are stumped and can only guess what could be causing it.

glat to hear your all sorted and its not returned.
Nice post mate, very well written and informative. Some people's bodies just react differently to the removal/addition of toxins. We all know people who are 30+years who get break-outs of spots after eating chocolate.
I would have a google for MSG Causing Hives & rashes.

MSG is massively common additive in loads of Takeaway chinese food. It's monosodium glutamate, and is a flavour enhancer. It's well documented at causing loads of problems (rarely serious), and I KNOW if I've had a chinese with loads of MSG as it makes me feel proper lightheaded for 24hrs, almost like a really strong caffeine or nicotine buzz.

If the chef chucked too much in, it could totally cause the symptoms you described.
It's weird what can happen when your body does a detox. Think on all those chemicals in fags that our bodies had to get rid of ewwwwww:vom:
Thanks for sharing, an interesting read.

12 years of a pack a day will have been putting alot rubbish into your system, I suppose it's natural to assume if these nasties suddenly stop, your body is going to have some form of reaction.

Glad you are all ok now though.
I should probably have made this more clear - but the point of going into the detail of the greasy Chinese and too much to drink, and horrendous hangover was to point out that it probably was all too much for my system. We will never know for certain, but I think it's fairly sensible advice to say - for the first couple of weeks after making the switch - be kind to yourself . Rest, eat well, drink plenty of water and relax. Your body is probably working much harder and undergoing more changes than is evident on the outside.

Don't do what I did and go out on a super bender! Had I not, I might have avoided the hives altogether - but of course we will never know now. I do know that I tried vaping back in 2013/2014 when it was those little C4 and ego batteries and while that didn't work for me then (because they were hard to get hold off and I was forever breaking mine) I didn't have any hives or anything similar then! :)
Thanks for posting. I had a few mild issues when I first started vaping, and I thought it might be sensitivity to PG. I think a lot of people read things online like I did, and come to that conclusion. Looking back, my issues were very much down to coming off tobacco, even to the point where it triggered a relapse of an ongoing illness I have and led to a short stay in hospital. We all *know* that smoking kills, but when we're doing it we somehow manage to ignore the fact that is a gradual process of actively killing us over time. I think when we stop doing it, we can very seriously underestimate how our bodies might react initially to the absence of toxins.
I would have a google for MSG Causing Hives & rashes.

MSG is massively common additive in loads of Takeaway chinese food. It's monosodium glutamate, and is a flavour enhancer. It's well documented at causing loads of problems (rarely serious), and I KNOW if I've had a chinese with loads of MSG as it makes me feel proper lightheaded for 24hrs, almost like a really strong caffeine or nicotine buzz.

If the chef chucked too much in, it could totally cause the symptoms you described.

Certainly could have been! I can't rule anything out. But again I think if it were the food it probably would have settled quicker. But who knows. Also if I were sensitive to MSG I probably would have had some signs before. But you're right, it could have been.

Thanks for posting. I had a few mild issues when I first started vaping, and I thought it might be sensitivity to PG. I think a lot of people read things online like I did, and come to that conclusion. Looking back, my issues were very much down to coming off tobacco, even to the point where it triggered a relapse of an ongoing illness I have and led to a short stay in hospital. We all *know* that smoking kills, but when we're doing it we somehow manage to ignore the fact that is a gradual process of actively killing us over time. I think when we stop doing it, we can very seriously underestimate how our bodies might react initially to the absence of toxins.

Completely agree. It's funny how lots of people get colds and things after they quit smoking when all we ever hear is how much healthier we are supposed to become when we quit.. Hope you're better now!
Great post @Kingerax This is what a forum is all about. It's a 'hive' of information ;) (sorry)

On a side note I suffered yearly chest infections as a smoker. Since switching to vaping I've not had so much as a bad cold :) Go figure
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