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Vapour Trails TV call to action to support our Vaping


Nov 12, 2012
The regulation of ecigs is decided by the World Health organisation, the EU and our Government.

AND THEY ARE MAKING DECISIONS NOW!! (sorry to shout, but I think this is V IMPORTANT)

VapourTrails TV on their show ask us all to do something...... they call us all to take some form of political action.

If we are to make sure that we keep our ecigs and our vaping devices everyone of us needs to stand up to the legislators (World, EU and UK) and be counted.

Please watch the show and DO SOMETHING!

And if you are on other vaping forums please repost the VapourTrails link or this post

Together we can make a difference (ugh to coin a phrase..... but in this instance it is real and we HAVE TO or we will be back on the fags!!)


Please watch the show
We have a VTTV thread in the social networking section but it is underused. Thanks for posting!
The WHO is espousing complete unfounded unresearched prejudicial bile on electronic cigarettes. DR Michael Siegel This is the fourth installment of complete crap from the World Health Organization in as many days http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/world-health-organization-urges_26.html

The UK pays (2012) $31M to the WHO to promote International Public Health - why, when it diverts its resources into spurious attempts to enforce an illogical global ban on electronic cigarettes. It was the WHO and its spurious research that led to the banning of Swedish Snus in 1992.

This is one dangerous organisation that does not concentrate on the core issues it should be addressing throughout the World.
Unfortunately, I don't think that protest would have any effect. This world is full of arrogant, ignorant control freaks whose only interest is in controlling the masses. Just look at the anti austerity protests going on at the minute ... does anyone think that the politicians will actually listen and act accordingly? Personally, I don't. They have no shame and little or no concept of morality/ethics when it comes to ensuring that people have a roof over their heads and the money to buy food/clothing/utilities, so I can't see them being persuaded to do the right thing when it comes to vaping.

They've already made up their 'minds' and nothing is going to sway them.

To my mind, the only way to combat them is to stock up on nic base and rebuildables supplies ... that way, they can legislate/advise about the sale of nic base all they want. If you have a freezer full of it, the only way they can stop you from vaping is if they totally outlaw it and if they do that, they'd also need to totally outlaw cigarettes. There is too much money tied up in tobacco/pharma interests for them to do this (at least imho).

Stock up. vape on and screw em.
IMHO Mass protest and consistent protest does work steffijade. Woman's votes and equality would be a prime example. Sometimes it does take an aweful lot of protest and numerous years. Im not going to get into the politics of protest and hijack this thread (maybe we could do that in the Lounge!! I would be well happy to indulge!!)

I think it would be of real value if peeps could watch the Vapourtrails episode and lets organise what we can do. I know that there is already a petetion on this site (signed), but is there more that we could achieve.

Also are there any vapers up here or on other forums that are solicitors or public sector high ups (so to speak) who might know "where to tap" to be able to make a difference and ensure we keep our recreational product!!

I personally dont have enough room in my freezer to stock up but as a vendor I probably have enough stuff to last quite a while. Not being serious here but if anyone wants to stock up for Armageddon drop me a line and I could do a deal!! lmao!!

Alternatively sign a petition!!

The simplest thing to do is get on the WHO Facebook page and write a polite message regarding their unfounded and unresearched prejudiced edicts on vaping. If enough people do this they will either have to do something about it or their page will become a mass protest. Simples.
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The simplest thing to do is get on the WHO Facebook page and write a polite message regarding their unfounded and unresearched prejudiced edicts on vaping. If enough people do this they will either have to do something about it or their page will become a mass protest. Simples.

I think that makes sense.

@alstonmoorecigs did you post about this on all the other vaping sites already?
IMHO Mass protest and consistent protest does work steffijade. Woman's votes and equality would be a prime example. Sometimes it does take an aweful lot of protest and numerous years. Im not going to get into the politics of protest and hijack this thread (maybe we could do that in the Lounge!! I would be well happy to indulge!!)

I think it would be of real value if peeps could watch the Vapourtrails episode and lets organise what we can do. I know that there is already a petetion on this site (signed), but is there more that we could achieve.

Also are there any vapers up here or on other forums that are solicitors or public sector high ups (so to speak) who might know "where to tap" to be able to make a difference and ensure we keep our recreational product!!

I personally dont have enough room in my freezer to stock up but as a vendor I probably have enough stuff to last quite a while. Not being serious here but if anyone wants to stock up for Armageddon drop me a line and I could do a deal!! lmao!!

Alternatively sign a petition!!

I'd like to believe that you're right but experience tells me different.

I have no trust for 'authority' figures anymore as most of them seem to have little or no ethics/morality and seem quite happy to screw folk over as long as their own agendas are being served.

I hear what you're saying re: women's votes/equality but these were gained in the past when authority figures actually had some integrity and could even be shamed into doing the right thing ocassionally. These days are gone .... basically, they don't give a crap about anyone or anything else, just their own narrow minded, selfish agendas.

It galls me somewhat to admit this, but I've even let myself drop off the electoral register because I have no intention of endorsing politicians who have no real interest in public service ... my poor old dad must be turning in his grave. He was a big believer in the political process and social responsibility. I believe in trying to do the 'right thing' but as things stand, the 'right thing' in my mind at present, is to refuse to participate in the sham that it's become.

Anyhoo... starting to ramble and rant, so I'll shut all of me gobs. ;)
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