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Very dull taste buds.


Sep 30, 2018
All my e-juices almost taste exactly the same now, what can I do to get the flavours back ? I am currently on a menthol ''diet'' to refresh my taste buds. Can you guys give me some advice on how to get my taste buds back in shape so that I can enjoy my e-juices like I did before ? Thanks in advance for any help/tips :-) :-)
btw I vape at 200 watts on the wismec rx 200 with the tfv12 v12-t12 coils.
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Try a different RTA or RDA sometimes that can help as i find that some flavors taste better in one and not in another if you build your own coils try a different coil wire that can help too....
I find a nice strong cheddar or salty snacks cleans my palate good and proper and juices taste nice afterwards. But there's no substitute for taking a break, when the taste buds become exhausted. I use 14 different setup with 14 different flavours to vape on during the course of a day and even then, I can barely taste them by the end of the day.
You cant beat that first few toots in the morning for taste but as the day goes on you do lose the taste of the juice a bit....
Puff unflavoured liquid for 2 weeks. Then start puffing flavoured liquid again, but with much less flavour concentrate than you’ve been using.
You’ve bombed out your taste receptor by overloading them with artificial flavour concentrate.
All my e-juices almost taste exactly the same now, what can I do to get the flavours back ? I am currently on a menthol ''diet'' to refresh my taste buds. Can you guys give me some advice on how to get my taste buds back in shape so that I can enjoy my e-juices like I did before ? Thanks in advance for any help/tips :-) :-)

I think just keeping a steady rotation will do the trick. Switch it up regularly. Like pick at least three flavors and just keep switching between them to prevent fatigue.
I never had this problem, but I own RDA so I try different builds nearly everyday, also I have like 4 juices so im changing over every 3-4 day
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