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VG based concentrates


Jun 23, 2014
Hi guys,

I'm thinking of getting some VG based flavourings. I've found some here: VG BASE FLAVOURS!!
Anyone here tried these, or can recommend any other VG based concentrates. Have you found these any good.

I prefer to get the throat hit directly from the nicotine, rather than the PG. I feel that the reason I have stayed smoking rollies is because it seems to calm the slightly irritated throat I get from vaping with PG (even when it's just 20% VG). I find the throat hit from PG to be really unlike the throat hit I get from smoking. I think that I can finally stop smoking once I eliminate this obstacle, so I appreciate all the help and advice.

Hi guys,

I'm thinking of getting some VG based flavourings. I've found some here: VG BASE FLAVOURS!!
Anyone here tried these, or can recommend any other VG based concentrates. Have you found these any good.

I prefer to get the throat hit directly from the nicotine, rather than the PG. I feel that the reason I have stayed smoking rollies is because it seems to calm the slightly irritated throat I get from vaping with PG (even when it's just 20% VG). I find the throat hit from PG to be really unlike the throat hit I get from smoking. I think that I can finally stop smoking once I eliminate this obstacle, so I appreciate all the help and advice.


Only VG based one i've tried is a one-on-one concentrate, cream flavour and it's spot on, best cream i've tried.
Kandi Hed do Crazy Creamy Custard in VG. I've got some but I've yet to mix it up. If it's as nice as the PG I'll be happy.

Update: Just mixed some up at 17% with 2% dulce de leche and 3% vanilla and happy to report it's just as crazily creamy as the PG version. Lovely.
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I've tried a few of their VG flavours, double blueberry and crazy creamy custard are two of my ADVs.
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Only VG based one i've tried is a one-on-one concentrate, cream flavour and it's spot on, best cream i've tried.

Ok thanks, but aren't they PG based? Can't find any info on them being VG based.
@Crumps Blueberry is one of my fav flavours, so nice one! Sounds good to me.
Kandi head do a whole range of stuff in vg I haven't tried any though as pg carries flavour better


Sorry hadn't clicked the link lmfao

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Kandi head do a whole range of stuff in vg I haven't tried any though as pg carries flavour better
I hear this all the time, but does it? Or does it just mix with it quicker. I've read that VG takes longer to mix with flavourings, but that doesn't mean it's any less effective when steeped long enough. I think the reason some go for more % flavouring when using VG is not because it necessarily needs more (as a % of flavouring is a % of flavouring) but because they can't wait for it to steep.

I may be wrong on that though, lol.
I struggle with a pg intolerance so I make all my juices , big cloud e liquids concentrates are vg based , really well priced and absolutely awesome flavours , he does a range of custards and a small selection of fruit flavours . I mix with just vg and use lab water at about 10 to 15 % to thin it down for running through tanks with a nature vape coil . Hope this helps x ( I get my lab water from the alchemists cupboard , this is just my preference I'm sure other people will also suggest , Distilled etc ) .
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