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viv nova rewicking ... the quest for higher Ohms!

its cool .. its exactly what its there for .. raising awareness :D
Mesh wicks work well in the bigger one but for some reason just taste yuk in the little un,cant work out why,so I stick to cotton wick in the baby and mesh wick in the big 'un.
You did well getting 7 turns in there,well neat;)
when you start to wrap, the first coil and a Half is always a bit sideways and further from the others, as you move further away from your thumb you have more control, so I start as normal .. Make sure my last few coils are really tight and neat, then turn it round .. Unwind the start and redo it as its now further away from your thumb.

least that's how it works for me!

Oh and use an unbent paper clip! Puts the right amount of tension round the wick then.
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