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Voodoo kraken

Mesh needs be loose and all mine have a thin tube down the middle(so I have a means to insert tiny screwdriver in to pull wicks out without fecking my coil)

I check the wick holes size,select a drill-bit thats a loose fit in it,wind the coil onto that so it is all neat n tidy(torch/pinch etc then slide back on drill-bit)then insert drill-bit in wick hole to hold coil steady while I tighten screws,slide mesh in so its a good fit without damaging coil often requires further gentle rolling between fingertips to get it perfect,pulse power to get coil lighting up evenly,fill atty & wallow in lovely clouds of vapour.

With all the practise rewicking/recoiling while vaping my licorice juice,I am now able to do this nearly fecking blindfolded(might as well be as the light in here is shite through night)By doing it this way,I can build a few spare coils & store them safely(baccy tin,film cannister,memory card boxes etc)and a couple of wicks that have been torched but not rolled as I don't want to nip them accidently.Then the second my vape starts to lose flavour,all I need do is undo a couple of screws and swap them over to new ones and barely miss anything I was watching on TV,etc.I've even managed to do this in the car whilst driving to Barrow(40 summat miles)whilst sat in traffic,its that quick :rofl:
Mesh needs be loose and all mine have a thin tube down the middle(so I have a means to insert tiny screwdriver in to pull wicks out without fecking my coil)

I check the wick holes size,select a drill-bit thats a loose fit in it,wind the coil onto that so it is all neat n tidy(torch/pinch etc then slide back on drill-bit)then insert drill-bit in wick hole to hold coil steady while I tighten screws,slide mesh in so its a good fit without damaging coil often requires further gentle rolling between fingertips to get it perfect,pulse power to get coil lighting up evenly,fill atty & wallow in lovely clouds of vapour.

With all the practise rewicking/recoiling while vaping my licorice juice,I am now able to do this nearly fecking blindfolded(might as well be as the light in here is shite through night)By doing it this way,I can build a few spare coils & store them safely(baccy tin,film cannister,memory card boxes etc)and a couple of wicks that have been torched but not rolled as I don't want to nip them accidently.Then the second my vape starts to lose flavour,all I need do is undo a couple of screws and swap them over to new ones and barely miss anything I was watching on TV,etc.I've even managed to do this in the car whilst driving to Barrow(40 summat miles)whilst sat in traffic,its that quick :rofl:

I'll try this way then if it don't work I'm throwing my rsst off the wall

Sent from my HTC One X using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
My RSST is slightly different system to the Aga-S,though the mesh still has a tube through it. On the RSST I use a tiny drill-bit that fits the tube in the mesh to allow the coil winding process to occur without buggering up the wick. The pic shows my RSST/ coil.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin


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I'm a heathen, I use long cotton wicks in all my gennies other than my ikarus. Wicks fine with dual .6ohm tiger cpils, only downside is you oftrn have to pull a wick to fill then refit it, not difficult but worth mentioning
I'm a heathen, I use long cotton wicks in all my gennies other than my ikarus. Wicks fine with dual .6ohm tiger cpils, only downside is you oftrn have to pull a wick to fill then refit it, not difficult but worth mentioning

Tiger coils? I can't say I know what they are but I'm gonna look it up

Sent from my HTC One X using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Ribbon and kanthal twisted together with a drill.

They end up looking very scruffy compared to a good micro coil, but they dont half work well. Dual .6 micro coils have a warm up period, these are instantaneous.
Ribbon and kanthal twisted together with a drill.

They end up looking very scruffy compared to a good micro coil, but they dont half work well. Dual .6 micro coils have a warm up period, these are instantaneous.

Il need to give them a try I'll try some on my dripper tomorrow
P.s - are you another one who doesn't sleep?:-P

Sent from my HTC One X using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I'd like to be asleep, I'm on my way to kent from wigan to do a couple of jobs before I drive back again.

Thanks to my little angels, I've had about an hour and I'm looking down the barrels of a 20 hour day.......give me coffee and nobody gets unnecessarily hurt lol
Ooft oh well best of luck with that fella - how many strands of wire do I twist?

Sent from my HTC One X using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
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