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Voopoo Drag 2


Feb 13, 2017
This is a #freeshit review and these are my own views.

Several of us were picked to try out the new Voopoo mods and review them before release so thank you to @VOOPOO for that. I got sent a Drag 2 to try and I’ve been using it since Tuesday this week. I know a lot of folks like to test out mods for a while but for me after 3 days or so I know that I’m just going to use them in wattage mode only anyway so there’s not much more I will do with it apart from test several tanks.

The specs (lifted from elsewhere) are:

Size: 88.3x51x26.5mm
Battery: 2×18650
Material: Zinc Alloy and Resin
Output: 177W max
Resistance range: 0.05-5ohm
Temperature range: 200-600°F / 100-315°C
Firmware upgradeable
Chip sealed against fire, dust and liquid
Centre mounted 510 connection


I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was sent the kit rather than just the mod so the UForce 2 tank was included, along with a spare coil and the usual o-rings.


I did get sucked into the hype around the original Drag and got bought one for my Christmas last year. I liked the chip and the vape from it but hated the sharp edged blockiness and the fact that it felt like a brick, ready to launch at someone when they’d pissed me off. This plus the fact that it once fell over onto my phone and cracked the bloody screen due to being a heavy bugger with knife like edges. Saying that it was a good mod and I used it a lot. Sadly my Drag got juice in it from a leaky atty and became an actual brick worth nothing to me, so I was happy to see the new ones being advertised by Voopoo on here recently and even happier that they’d addressed the issue of leaky juice ruining a decent mod.


The first thing I noticed was that the blockiness has gone. The mod now has rounded edges and it’s so much more comfortable to hold. A big plus for me. It’s also slightly smaller and a good bit lighter than the previous version so another plus.

There’s one issue when holding it though, and it’s turned out to be a bigger problem than I thought. The battery door clicks and moves ever so slightly up and down. It’s not going to stop me using or enjoying the mod and it didn’t bother me at first but now it’s starting to get right on my tits. With the way the rest of the mod’s designed it just feels cheap and hopefully it’s something Voopoo can mend before they release to the buying public as I can see it inducing pure rage in a lot of people who are finnicky about these things.

Performance wise I have no real issues. It’s a simple, easy to use mod. Five clicks on and we’re in wattage mode. I’ve had a couple of mods now that automatically set the wattage for you when you put the tank on (including the original Drag) but this is the first one that doesn’t lowball the wattage. It instead seems to go to the high end of the recommended wattage for the ohms or coil. I popped the Uforce 2 on with the 0.4 coil and it went straight to 65w, which is the high end of the ‘best’ wattage for the coil. I tried it with another tank and it went straight to 90w, again the high end of the ‘best’ wattage. Personally I like it a little lower but for some reason I preferred having to turn it down instead of up like my other mods. It was also very accurate with 2 of my other stock coil tanks.

Three more clicks gets you to the FIT modes. Now here is where folks will probably be divided. There’s no way to adjust the wattage in these modes so tinkerers will not like them at all. They are effectively just preset low, normal and high modes that you get on other mods but marketed by the manufacturer to make them seem a new thing by naming them differently. The upgraded Gene chip makes them work though, it’s pretty accurate at reading the coils so it makes this work and simplifies everything for the user. The marketing so far suggests it works best with the Uforce tank but it’s worked well with any of my tanks, including RTAs and RDAs as well as stock tanks (despite a disclaimer saying it’s not for RTAs, RDTAs or RDAs). Again it’s down to the chip in the mod.

Mode 1 ‘Battery Saving Mode’. Not for me. It takes me an age of pulling to get a decent draw and while it does give a decent amount of vapour it’s a wee bit weak.

Mode 2 ‘Flavour Mode’. Ramps up the vape more, I didn’t really notice any difference in flavour compared to the normal wattage mode though.

Mode 3 ‘Cloud Mode’. More power to the coil again and probably the one I’ll use myself if I use the FIT modes as it’s closest to normal wattage mode.

For me it’s easier to use normal wattage mode as I like to put the watts up and down depending on my shit lungs and what mood I’m in. It’s just better for me and similar to FIT mode 3. But for other people not wanting the faff of adjusting all the time the FIT modes are a nice easy way to use the device. And I think that’s who Voopoo are marketing this at. People who just want to vape and go with their stock tanks and to be honest that’s what most vapers are, despite a lot of us on here being a lot more into it.

The chip really is very good and it’s a testament to the accuracy of it that makes the FIT mode work rather than just being a gimmick. While those modes are not for me I can see a lot of users being very happy with them. I’m definitely going to buy a Drag mini when they come out as I think that would suit me even better than the Drag 2.


Finally we have the temperature control menu. As is normal these days you can use stainless steel, nickel or titanium wires and adjust to your preference. I don’t do TC so can’t really comment much on how that is.

And that’s it. No fancy light menus or ramp up curves, no voice control menus to get around. Just the 3 sets of menus and I like the simplicity of it.

Battery life seems to be very good as well. Now I’ve been mainly using it at 60w and that’s not high wattage vaping but it has lasted longer than any of my other 2 battery mods at the same power so far so another plus there.

In all I like the Drag 2. It’s a nice simple mod that works and a lot of people will enjoy and while the FIT modes are not really for me I can see them being used quite a lot by other people. If they can just get the battery door sorted I can see it being as popular as the original Drag with a lot of vapers.


The Uforce 2 tank is also very nicely done. It’s not an airflow monster like a lot of the sub ohm tanks out and that’s why I really like it. I much prefer a slightly restricted draw and on full open airflow that’s what it gives. Not that restricted but not really airy like some tanks. Flavour is pretty good too. I’m not sure if it’s cause I’ve recently been smoking again and just stopped a few days ago but the flavour is really really strong on the 0.4 coil. It’s got a slide and fill top and thankfully does not piss juice either when filling or when you leave it overnight on your mod. There seem to be a few coils out for it so I’m looking forward to trying them all out and finding the one that suit me best.
Nice review fella, I can see now why they were hiding the back of it in the promo pic's:)
Good one mate. Clicky battery doors are a pain and there is no reason why they should be that way as there are various ways it can be easily addressed. Moving clicky battery doors are a deal breaker with me. Its lazy design.
Good review, very informative. Shame you’re not a TC user as that’s rather the litmus test for these new chips.
Thanks dude ... still not got mine VooPoo sent me a PM saying "Hey, the package has arrived, please go to receive it asap."

... but it clearly hasn't, the tracking they gave me actually says it's going the wrong way!


London, Midlands, Aberdeen? WTF?! has @Sam's Saucy Juice Reviews got them to route it via his place!?
When I gave them my address I put ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM at the bottom, so why the hell is it in Scotland?

It is actually quite funny, but annoying if I don't actually get it because I was excited. :(
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