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@StrawberryRipple you're now at 100 votes we just need to be on it to stay up with face farts and instagrey! I’ve tried to tag you in Twitter but I’m not really sure how it works so might not do anything!
What a strange competition.
Maybe the OP contained a hidden link to what the competition is all about and we all missed it :hmm: .

Anyway thank you to all the voters youve just gained automatic entry into all my voopoo giveaways if i win :2thumbsup: and as I'm not a pod fan nor have i ever come across any of their products I've liked enough to buy, this ones looking like one for the POTV team should we win :hugs:

Should send them all to @Simon G just for a laugh. :D
Knew there'd be a catch... Reviews are expected
Go Strawberry Go. Had to create an account but your worth it.
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