I have a few liquids from VJuice too! I love the Pinkman! And have a raspberry one and pink lemonade.
I’m currently on Ultimate Juice (shop from Coventry) and I’m using Strawberry Jam! Since the Innokin Kroma-A with zenith tank arrived Tuesday, I have barely smoked! Today has been the best day for me.... 3 ciggies in total! And every one I had I felt horrific after. Like I mean massive headrush. And oh my god don’t even get me started on the taste! As soon as I finished them I went straight onto vaping to get rid of the taste lol!
I defo think you are right ... get the right set up and the right juices and it’s all good! I’m so pleased with how I’ve been doing recently ! Just hope I can keep it up !
Received a package from
@Lee today... Triple Berry flavour... cannot wait to try this!!!
I had a similar response the day i quit the fags...had my very last one on March 1st, it really didn't taste nice..and i got a head rush shortly after too! Now, i just can't stand the smell of tobacco smoke..it's vile...i don't even accept an offer of a free cig now from my sister (who occasionally still does try it on..tha wee temptress!

), even if i'm without my vaper. It's odd..but before i quit...i use to have very bad habits, i used to sneak out at work for a 'quickie', lighting up at every available opportunity, even when dining out, i'd had to have a ciggie inbetween courses. But i don't feel like i need to now with vaping. Just last week, i was dining with my family, and i sat the whole gosh darn thing right though, from sit down to leaving the premises after we'd had our meal. I didn't have a vape in whole time we were there, nearly 3 hours in all. So, from my perspective, things have definately changed for the better....i don't worry about needing a nic fix every 20 mins anymore. Even when i've occasionally forgotten to take my 'outdoors' mod out with me, I didn't fret..i knew it would be there for me when i got back home. It's a whole new psychology i found, since taking up vaping.
Granted, that's just my own experience since switching to vaping, but my whole outlook regarding getting that 'fix' has changed now, ...so maybe in time you'll notice the difference in your own habits, once you've commited entirely to vaping too. So, when you're ready to...smoke your last ciggy and then close the door on them forever, & never look back....it's the best thing i ever did in recent years..hopefully it'll be yours too...good luck! Oh...and it does help to do a complete clean of the house, clothes and evict the ashtrays etc etc shortly afterwards too. My sense of smell returned once i gave up...and my house absolutely reeked of fag smoke..yuck! Even my 'clean' clothes in my warddrobe stank! Gosh, it took a long time cleaning, before i couldn't smell fag smoke anymore! I must have gone through a couple of bottles of sugar soap before i was done!
As for Vjuice, i think i can say they are favourite brand currently, but up until now, i've only bought Tuned In Cherry....but, they've just opened a new website (they now have 2, one uk site, and a new .com one)...they invited me to join the new .com site..with a 40% off xmas coupon offer. So if you go to Vjuice.com....sign up....fill the cart up, and then put XMAS40 in the coupon box...you should get the discount. I've just placed an order..it works (doesn't work on the UK site)..bought me usual..plus some new ones to try out. I seem to like fruit, methol, aniseed/licorice & cake and puddings flavours, so gonna try their Blackjack, Mmm donut, Artic Blast (for those vaper's tongue days!) Strawberry Cheesecake, Blackcurrent, Cookie Monster, Pinkman, Vim'o (like the drink) & that Trilece cake one. The latter of which, looks so good i wanna eat it!
Plus the me usual stock up supply of Tuned In Cherry...this time the High VG version, as i'd wanna see how this compares to their 50/50 Gourmet version.
£80 plus quids worth of juice for £50..not bad....should keep me going for a bit!