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WANTED: People for testing our new device

Have just submitted my feedback form for the wee vim. Thank you @JAC Vapour for the opportunity to test your product. Whilst I can see how this product could be perfect for a new vaper making the transition from smoking, it's lack of adjustable airflow meant I couldn't get on with it. I love it's looks, it's simplicity, it's ease of use and it's price point but, It just doesn't give me what I need from an MTL device, which is a tight draw.

Agree with everything you've said, but I think there will be a 1.5 ohm coil available which will presumably have a tighter draw.
Have just submitted my feedback form for the wee vim. Thank you @JAC Vapour for the opportunity to test your product. Whilst I can see how this product could be perfect for a new vaper making the transition from smoking, it's lack of adjustable airflow meant I couldn't get on with it. I love it's looks, it's simplicity, it's ease of use and it's price point but, It just doesn't give me what I need from an MTL device, which is a tight draw.

My suggestion on the form was for various grommets in different sizes to allow adjustable airflow. Once you find the airflow you like you're not gonna change so if you could have different sized holes you would just pop one on and off until you could find the desired draw
My suggestion on the form was for various grommets in different sizes to allow adjustable airflow. Once you find the airflow you like you're not gonna change so if you could have different sized holes you would just pop one on and off until you could find the desired draw

+1 for this. If the airflow had suited me, I would have been a very happy bunny with this beautiful, lightweight kit.
+1 for this. If the airflow had suited me, I would have been a very happy bunny with this beautiful, lightweight kit.

Cliffyboy is talking about the weeVIM, obviously this is a cheap kit, and for an advanced user looking for adjustability it's not going to cut the mustard, the VIM is what happens if we increase features, and then the S22 if we increase again, and then pretty much you're into full box mods, or small box mods and tanks. In the end this device is meant to give the new user a choice between an ego at £15 or this, performance wise it should blow an ego out the water, but ego an will offer more adjustability over it's poorer performance, as we have basically traded all those bits for better performance in a £16 setup. So while I would personally buy the VIM or S22, probably the VIM is where my money would go, however if I only had a budget of around £15, I would go for the wee VIM over an Ego, I could get by on the weeVIM very happily, I'd end up wasting the £15 if I blew on an ego : ) So while we will look at everyway possible to add features, I think maintaining the price point is important for this kit, if you could walk into a garage, or convenience store and buy this to start you off, or tide you over, instead of an ego I'd be very happy.
My suggestion on the form was for various grommets in different sizes to allow adjustable airflow. Once you find the airflow you like you're not gonna change so if you could have different sized holes you would just pop one on and off until you could find the desired draw
This was mentioned a few times in the thread and I'm sure Jac said it was a possibility [emoji106]
This was mentioned a few times in the thread and I'm sure Jac said it was a possibility [emoji106]

Yes it's easily possible, when I designed it I thought I'd put the lowest airflow on the bung, then people that wanted somewhere between full open and as low as possible could juts add a notch to the bung of the size they wanted. However it would be easy to do varying sizes and I'll organise some variations in the next batch.
The longer I use the 1ohm MTL coil the more impressed I am with it. I would still much prefer the turbo coil but the 1ohm MTL coil is an awesome coil. For the last 3 days I've used the VIM with the 1ohm coil exclusively and haven't touched my nautilus 2 once. Compared to the Aspire 1.8 ohm coil the Jac Vapour 1ohm coil wins hands down for me. I haven't had anything even close to a dry hit. On day 3 of using an Aspire coil I would be constantly cleaning the coil and adding pg to my tank to avoid dry hits. I still think it is a little under powered for my usual liking but I have a sneaking suspicion that it is the reduced power that is making it last and function so well. Any more power and it may have problems similar to Aspire. I think Jac Vapour have got this coil absolutely spot on.

I've just ordered some .42 coils. Will update once they arrive. Also ordered one of each of the 3 tips. Would like to see a curved tip made available in typical MTL shape like the nautilus 2, berserker and others use.

The VIM itself is a really cracking bit of kit. REALLY like the finish. Was concerned the white would be difficult to keep clean but it's actually super easy to wipe down and it comes up good as new.

After nearly 3 weeks of working flawlessly I've just experienced my first glitch with the VIM. In the last hour I've had intermittent firing when removing and re-installing the tank.
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Yes it's easily possible, when I designed it I thought I'd put the lowest airflow on the bung, then people that wanted somewhere between full open and as low as possible could juts add a notch to the bung of the size they wanted. However it would be easy to do varying sizes and I'll organise some variations in the next batch.
Sorry to seem dense but, what bung are you referring to and, are you saying that the versions we have tested are the tightest it can get and any changes would be a more loose airflow?
Hi @JAC Vapour

I'm wondering what the thinking was using an LG M26 cell in the VIM, I'm presuming it was simply cost considerations but if the device only needs a 10A cell that means it could use an LG MJ1 and have a much bigger 3500mAh capacity.

Personally I would pay a couple of quid more to have 3500 mAh..... or did you feel that people would not want the longer charge time that it would give the device?

...... also (yes, I did take mine apart!) I just wanted to say how well designed the airflow/board holder is. If a coil did leak it would go straight through the air hole in the bottom and be totally separated from the PCB, it would be almost impossible for liquid to get anywhere near the electrical side of the mod because of the gaskets and dividing 'wall' ... so yeah, a big thumbs up on the way that area is designed. :goodjob:
Hi @JAC Vapour

I'm wondering what the thinking was using an LG M26 cell in the VIM, I'm presuming it was simply cost considerations but if the device only needs a 10A cell that means it could use an LG MJ1 and have a much bigger 3500mAh capacity.

Personally I would pay a couple of quid more to have 3500 mAh..... or did you feel that people would not want the longer charge time that it would give the device?

...... also (yes, I did take mine apart!) I just wanted to say how well designed the airflow/board holder is. If a coil did leak it would go straight through the air hole in the bottom and be totally separated from the PCB, it would be almost impossible for liquid to get anywhere near the electrical side of the mod because of the gaskets and dividing 'wall' ... so yeah, a big thumbs up on the way that area is designed. :goodjob:

I can't remember off the top of my head, and don't have access to the voltage curve graphs etc at the moment, but we looked at a lot of batteries, I remember the Panansonic NC18650GA was the front runner for the VIM, and that's similar to the LGMJ1 I think, however the numbers aside it didn't translate to a massive usable gain, not enough to justify the increased price anyway, I think we had a usable gain of under 200mah due to the voltage curves. Using the same battery as the S22 allowed us to buy in bigger quantities, so the economics were far better on sticking with the same battery. We have looked at doing a version that uses a different battery and if there is a substantial gain that would be seen it would make sense to move the S22 and VIM to the same battery, or do a 'plus' version, but I have not seen anything that would offer that gain. If we were to do one in the 21700 format you'd increase size by 5mm on height and you probably find something with a substantial gain, it remains to be seen what new batteries come out and how the economics stack up, but the 40T is the first battery I've seen in that format that promises a big benefit over the 18650, and I am sure we'll see more and better to come.
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