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Weekly News Roundup


Jul 21, 2012
Hi All

My first post on POTV, hopefully it'll be a wee bit informative. I've recently started putting together a weekly ecigarette news roundup and am happy to share and chat with you on the topical issues of the week. There is an archive on pinkvaper.com but please see the latest below - look forward to your comments :)


Starting off this week I’ve got to give a mention to the organizer of Irish VapeFest, Shane, who has done an amazing job thus far and continues to do so week in week out behind the scenes in organizing the first EVER Irish Vapefest – Sept. 15th, Co. Laois, Ireland – www.vapefestireland.weebly.com for full info…This week the news on Irish soil is:

1. There is going to be a rebuildable workshop at Vapefest ireland so that people can learn and help each other in the art of coil and wick making and be able to get a look at the different types of rebuildables out there. There is a whole new section on the website for anyone interested at www.vapefestireland.weebly.com and the different types of rebuildable that will be there are listed on it.

I’ve had a chat to some guys in the US and UK and this seems to be a first of it’s kind workshop – well done to the genius who dreamed this up – I may actually learn to rebuild my VH dripper – whoop.

2. The prize pot in the monster raffle has got even bigger with ecigwizard, Pixiejuice and Smoke geen coming on board this week.


The European Union is considering banning logos on cigarette packs as part of an upcoming review of its law to deter smoking

This comes a day after Australia's highest court upheld a similar ban.
The Australian court dismissed a legal challenge to the government's ban
So - starting in December, all cigarette packs sold in Australia will brandish plain olive packaging.

The EU will publish a draft revision to its 2001 Tobacco Products Directive in the Autumn, and may introduce more stringent rules on packaging as well as extending legislation to newer tobacco products such as electronic cigarettes.
The WHO predicts smoking could kill 8 million people every year by 2030 if governments do not take more action to help people quit.

In the EU, Britain has worked the most to make plain packaging national law.
Figures from the Global Tobacco Surveillance System, a group set up by the WHO and the US Centers for Disease Control, show that Europe has the world's highest rate of smokers aged 13-15.

There is an appeal waiting in the wings from big tobacco companies so this is not over yet In that, three nations - tobacco producers in Honduras and the Dominican Republic, along with Ukraine - have launched a challenge to the plain packaging laws in the World Trade Organisation, claiming they violate international intellectual property laws.


My next piece of news was touched upon last week and centres around the new study which found that passive vaping is not harmful.

A study by German researchers has been accepted for publication in the scientific journal, Indoor Air. The researchers compared the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ultra-fine particles in smoke to measurements of the same substances in electronic cigarette vapor.

Some non-smokers have expressed concern about inhaling nicotine should they be exposed to exhaled vapor. It should be particularly comforting to observe that the quantity of nicotine in a puff of captured exhaled vapor too small--even if inhaled directly by a bystander--to have any health effects whatsoever. If a bystander were to lock lips with a user after each inhaled puff and take in the entire quantity of nicotine the user inhales, after 300 puffs the bystander would be exposed to just 2.1 mg of nicotine, which is the approximate quantity present in a low-dose nicotine lozenge or piece of gum. At these quantities, nicotine is not a danger to health and does not cause addiction. Furthermore, the nicotine would be delivered much more slowly—at about 1/10 the speed of delivery from gum or lozenges.
However, bystanders concerned about inhaling nicotine are unlikely to lock lips with an e-cigarette user, and since no nicotine was detected in the air samples taken in the stainless steel test chamber, it is apparent that the tiny amount of nicotine exhaled by the user is quickly diluted by mixing with the ambient air. As a result, bystanders are not exposed to nicotine at all.

To see the original, in depth article CLICK HERE


My next very interesting piece is about the clearstream air and clearstream life projects

For full details visit HERE

“Sometimes brave choices are rewarded and they say we are proud to inform you that Clearstream Air and Clearstream Life will be presented to the “14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) Europe” which will be held in Helsinki (http://www.srnteurope.org/2012/)”

Both projects, funded by FlavourArt, will be presented by their inventor Dr. Giorgio Romagna, and clearstream believes they may become a milestone in research on electronic cigarettes.

Clearstream Life studies the effects of our e-liquid on living cells, Clearstream Air discusses on the impact of second hand smoke.

Both studies, compare traditional smoke with electronic cigarette vapor, but with different research goals: the individual and the community.

A recent update on the clearstream website states that
“We are glad to announce you that on August 26, at 17:15, at the European Congress of cargiology (ESC Congress 2012) in Munich, Dr K. Farsalinos’ work on cardiovascular effects of electronic smoke will be presented.
Acute effects of using an electronic nicotine-delivery device (e-cigarette) on myocardial function: comparison with the effects of regular cigarettes (Farsalinos K. et al)
The study, due to its originality and innovation, has been selected for oral presentation in front of 32,000 physicians from all over the world.
Even more importantly for the e-cigarette community, a press conference has been organized by the European Society of Cardiology, presenting this study among the 4 most important smoking-related studies of the congress.”
They can not provide details on the study results, which must remain secret until the date of presentation – I’ll follow this up in the coming weeks….looks promising!


Vapourgeneration.co.uk is a new ecigarette company that are based in Bristol, UK and have their own line of eliquid which they are currently working on. There are currently 5 flavours in the line which is called Trip Hammer.

Bucks fizz
Black forest gateaux
Bannoffee pie
Temptation and hedges – tobacco and lemon

Vapour Generation is a store owned by Rob who was a smoker of 20 years.


My device of the week is actually the same one as last week as when I did a google search for some interesting mods this one kept coming up again and again – the e2 ego battery & tank from vapour hut – I’ve discovered since ordering it that it does in fact have a pink and blue light on it which makes it super cool and I definitely recommend it if you want something a little different and space like – the crazies in the US are calling this the space needle!


Lastly my website of the week is from an up and coming reviewer of ecigarettes – known as gazeddy in the ecigarette community the website is called ecigsonline.co.uk and will be host to written reviews of ecig products and devices. He’s added a lot of eliquid reviews in the past few days and a fantastic piece on the vapage mod from vapourhut. I know we all wish him well as our newest and sparkliest reviewer!
Hi pink, really pleased to see you here, what a great opening post! That Clearstream project looks very interesting, definitely one to keep an eye on. Anyway welcome to the planet, make yourself at home and help yourself to bananas :)
Fantastic post PV! Just what we need.

I personally think the rebuildables workshop is a brilliant idea and said so on the VF Ireland thread. It's a step too far for many Vapers ( for me too until a couple of weeks ago ) and really needn't be.

Ill be checking into this regularly. Well done and thank you :)
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