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Weeping kayfun


Mar 2, 2014
Hi guys

Just a quicky,
I have 2 kayfun clones, one is a pretty good clone, the other is an ebay type clone, pretty tinny with crap threads etcetc.

Anyway, both coiled and wicked the same, both slowly top filled, both vape perfectly.
Question is, the cheapy ebay one over the course of a day seems too weep slightly from the air hole. I keep my mod and tanks in a digital camera case when out and about, and by the time I get home and take said cheap clone out of the front zippy pocket, its coated in a thin film of juice, with a spot on the case around where the air hole is. Now I know it's filled ok, it doesn't leak when vaped, and doesn't leak when in use, but over the space of a day it will weep a little. One of the "selling points" was deep juice channels cut into the deck and they are in fact about double the depth of the ones in my good clone, could this be why this one weeps and the other doesn't?
How can I avoid this? Would it help if I put it in the pocket drip tip down to stop the juice pooling at the bottom?

Other than this weeping it isn't actually that bad, just a bit annoying having to wipe the case out and tank off once a day
Replacing the o rings with slightly thicker ones may help.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Which in particular, or just all?

Sent from my SM-T210 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
If the "deep channels" are really deep, try extending some wick material into them so it doesn't keep wicking when not in use. Just a bit of fibers will do, don't stuff the channels. Best of luck
Cheers for the suggestions guys, will try both next time I rewick

Sent from my SM-T210 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Weeping kayfun

Give it a cuddle then, ffs man!*

*This completely and utterly uncontructive post was brought to you today by boredom, lack of caffeine and general immaturity of the author.
The cap/chimney o-ring is the weakest,most unreliable, part of a Kayfun clone. The cheaper the clone,the more pronounced this issue. It's not all gloom and doom though, even the naffest clone,with an o-ring that seats, like a hula hoop around a very skinny person, can be made good, by either a slightly bigger o-ring, or a lot of extra care and 'lining up' when assembled.
The main cause for dislodging/unseating this iffy o-ring, on the poor quality clones, is over tightening the top cap. If you tighten it as much as you think you should, ie the seams meeting between tank and cap, then that's probably too tight.
A quick fix for your weeping issue may well be as simple as backing off the top cap a tiny bit.
But it weeps out of the air hole, not just when full of juice, that's what made me think its the deep juice channels

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