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what a day from hell!


Jan 15, 2018
I went to a music festival with mum and dad. so I had everything ready. batterys packed vape packed. so i'm on the bus and I could smell ciggerattes. I thought to my self the woman next to me smells awful. so I moved and I could still smell it. so thought to my self it was an old handbag from when I smoked. so I got off the bus draw some cash out and popped in a vape shop for e juice. I looked in hand bag and where my vape was it felt hot. I looked and my vape had melted. I was so scared. I burnt my finger. the woman in the shop helped me sort it. vape a right off. I thought I was being safe. didn't buy a new vape because my head wasn't in the right place. so theres me with mum and dad. getting nagged. about people dropping down like flies in the usa. my auntie and step uncle were there. they let me use their vape. but it wasn't the same. I ended up buying a myblu for some nicotine. I don't know what I did wrong and why it happened.
Glad you're ok @lene.
what device was it, and could it have been left unlocked in your bag with pressure on power button so it was firing constantly for hours? ...that probably would have melted it.
it was a sinvousv200 and a amor nse tank. it shook me up.
it was a sinvousv200 and a amor nse tank. it shook me up.
I think it's important to understand exactly what went wrong ... learning from a bad experience will help to rebuild confidence going forward.
Don't be a statistic. :)
I really need to make sure I learn something from this!
it can happen to the best of us i melted an ofrf gear rta not long back because i forgot to switch off my mod when i put it in my bag....lesson learned
I thought i'd switched off. but I must of been wrong! also my handbag was over crowded! I have this little zippy thing in hand bag. I remember trying to find room in handbag. so I had batterys in there in a case and another case with batterys. then my vape. I was sure it was turned off. but that couldn't of been the case! I really loved that vape as well. I mean really liked it. then the women at the shop said she had a plastic mod and hers went up in smoke and melted too! also I remember brushing a button while in handbag. the button that turns watts up if i'd left it on by mistake that would of done it.
It must have been a frightening experience but a valuable lesson can be learned from it regarding locking or better still switching off your mod when travelling or leaving overnight. At the end of the day no one got seriously hurt and it could have been a lot worse.
Hi @lene i had a look at the wismec site for your mod: https://www.wismec.com/product/sinuous-v200-with-amor-nse/
It has 10sec protection apparently but I assume it resets after pressure is released on fire button (rather than auto-locking device) so if it’s bouncing about in a handbag i imagine it could still overheat significantly over time.
By the way I’m not saying you definitely forgot to lock it, it’s possible it suffered a catasphrophic failure all on its own, but the simplest & most likely cause here is that it hadn’t been locked.
It’s easily done, I had a ‘hot thigh’ moment when i popped a mod in my trouser pocket without checking i’d properly locked it first ...if I sported a handbag I could have done the same ...it’s lucky I only don a handbag when I get to wear my wife’s clothes on my Birthday ;)
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