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What am I doing wrong? (RTA wicking)

When you first install a coil, you need to "fettle" it a bit to make sure it glows evenly.

If you have ceramic tweezers you can do this whilst pressing the button, otherwise only do it when the button is not pressed.

Strum the coil gently on the outside, slide a coiling rod or screwdriver up and down the inside, and for non-spaced coils squeeze the coil together using tweezers. Then fire it and look at how it glows.

It should glow from the centre of the coil outwards, so the coil glows and cools evenly.

If there is a part of the coil that glows much brighter than the rest of the coil, repeat the strumming and squeezing until it all glows evenly.

Make sure the coil is clean before you do this, as if there is any crud on the coil it will naturally glow differently there.
Maybe try making your own coils as well. Wrapping the coils is the easiest bit so spending extra on premade ones doesn’t really make it easier unless you are getting fancy bespoke ones. If you make your own you can fashion it to fit whatever deck you’re putting it in so it will probably be easier. And you can space it to avoid the possibility of hot spots without having to dry burn it.
I had a goon clone which after 2 months gave me burnt hits all the time, even after wicking properly. My solution was to go back to stock coils & tanks and be done with the burnt puffs
Getting your wicking right can be a challenge, too much, too little, too tight, too loose. And it is different on each and every build/tank/rda or whatever you choose to use.

Also, the choice of cotton can make a massive difference, for me I have found that the latest Cotton Bacon PRIME wicks the best of the ones I have tried, I have tried a few.

As you are using a Serpent Mini RTA I would recommend that you watch a few reviewers on YouTube, see how they are doing it, would recommend Vaping With Vic as his Tutorials are excellent, also Daniel DJLSB and Mike Vapes. If I am learning to build, these are usually my go to chaps.

Hope this helps.
Sorry guys, scanned through the thread and I don't really want to reply to everyone individually but thank you all regardless!

I think I know where the problem lies.. I have checked the coil yet again and it seems I ruined it's form on one of the loops at the end of the coil. The coil came with two legs going the same direction but I obviously had to pull a leg in the other direction to connect it to the opposite post on the deck which means one loop is higher than the other if it makes sense.

I don't have ceramic but I use standard tweezers with power off but I will try to squeeze the coil together next time and see if I can find a solution.. from what I remember the center glows brighter than the sides
Sorry guys, scanned through the thread and I don't really want to reply to everyone individually but thank you all regardless!

I think I know where the problem lies.. I have checked the coil yet again and it seems I ruined it's form on one of the loops at the end of the coil. The coil came with two legs going the same direction but I obviously had to pull a leg in the other direction to connect it to the opposite post on the deck which means one loop is higher than the other if it makes sense.

I don't have ceramic but I use standard tweezers with power off but I will try to squeeze the coil together next time and see if I can find a solution.. from what I remember the center glows brighter than the sides
Next time put the coil on either a coil wand which i doubt you have or find a screwdriver that fits tightly into the coil, then wrap one of the legs tightly round the screwdriver till both legs are in the opposite direction so in sense add and extra half of a wrap. remove and install.:) any problems just watch a coil wrapping video on youtube.
The mini serpent is actually pretty good for showing if your wicking is working well. Every vape or two open the top a little.
If bubbles stream up each side of the tank from the wick slots then a little wick work needs doing.
Never bought pre made coils so can't be certain, but when you make coils for the serpents you have to wrap them the opposite way, this could also be giving you problems
What build is that mate?
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