Am hoping you knowledgeable vapers can tell me where I'm going wrong...
Used to smoke around 20 a day Marlboro Gold but got myself a cheap pen (Vapemate Flare). Messed about with some different liquids and clearomisers, settled on an Innokin Iclear clearomiser (came with 2.1 coil) and gave up smoking nearly three weeks ago.
Tried a couple of Vapemate juices but they made me feel pretty rough, thought it might be a PG sensitivity so discarded them. First 10 days or so were great. Was using Lemon Tart 50/50 at 12mg, all good. Although battery seemed to run out quickly from the start, assumed this was because it was a low power pen.
Flavour started to disappear but I was already prepared for Vaper's Tongue and had an alternative on standby, new clearomiser and coil for Strawberry Milkshake by Vampire Vape 12mg 60PG/40VG, all good for a few days but lost the flavour again. Worse still - throat hit begins to disappear too.
Tried the Lemon Tart again, no luck, changed the coil but still no good. Ordered Hangsen Vanilla Custard at 70PG/30VG. Started okay but, again, flavour has disappeared really quickly and lacking on throat hit.
Not sure whether to go up to 18mg, try nic salts or admit defeat?! Been looking at better kits but, until I know what I'm doing wrong, I'm not really sure what to get.
Just to add, I can't get to a B&M shop in the near future and also have a slight allergy to menthol flavours so can't reset my tastebuds with that.
Thanks for reading if you got this far and, please, someone tell me what I'm doing wrong
Am hoping you knowledgeable vapers can tell me where I'm going wrong...
Used to smoke around 20 a day Marlboro Gold but got myself a cheap pen (Vapemate Flare). Messed about with some different liquids and clearomisers, settled on an Innokin Iclear clearomiser (came with 2.1 coil) and gave up smoking nearly three weeks ago.
Tried a couple of Vapemate juices but they made me feel pretty rough, thought it might be a PG sensitivity so discarded them. First 10 days or so were great. Was using Lemon Tart 50/50 at 12mg, all good. Although battery seemed to run out quickly from the start, assumed this was because it was a low power pen.
Flavour started to disappear but I was already prepared for Vaper's Tongue and had an alternative on standby, new clearomiser and coil for Strawberry Milkshake by Vampire Vape 12mg 60PG/40VG, all good for a few days but lost the flavour again. Worse still - throat hit begins to disappear too.
Tried the Lemon Tart again, no luck, changed the coil but still no good. Ordered Hangsen Vanilla Custard at 70PG/30VG. Started okay but, again, flavour has disappeared really quickly and lacking on throat hit.
Not sure whether to go up to 18mg, try nic salts or admit defeat?! Been looking at better kits but, until I know what I'm doing wrong, I'm not really sure what to get.
Just to add, I can't get to a B&M shop in the near future and also have a slight allergy to menthol flavours so can't reset my tastebuds with that.
Thanks for reading if you got this far and, please, someone tell me what I'm doing wrong