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What am I doing wrong?!

Thanks so much for the detailed replies and advice, good to know the loss of flavour and throat hit is a normal part of switching over. I'm switching between flavours more now, so hopefully that will help.

Leaning towards the Innokin Adept and Zlide tank, as that seems to be the right sort of thing for me (I think!) Just a little confused that it comes with a pre-installed 0.48 Z coil and a 1.6 Z coil as a spare. Its sold as a MTL kit but I thought coils below 1 were sub-ohm and more suited for DTL, have I got that wrong?

Thanks again for all the help, really appreciate it!

The Zenith tank is good one to try out too...so easy to fill and swap coils over with. I use the 1.6 ohm coils myself...they're pretty long lasting, maybe 2/3 weeks with those..if you don't cane them. And as with the above replies...vaper's tongue is a common issue. Like others i constantly keep swapping around with different set ups and flavours, to ward off vaper's tongue.

I have noticed though, that some flavours are better than others, for resisting taste fade (to coin a phrase!). I like a choclate banana flavour from a well known budget brand...that has a lovely rich banana flavour to begin with, but after a week or so, it just fades off and is no longer enjoyable. I tend to vape that one one week on the next off..so my tastes buds don't get overly accustomed to it. But others keep on delivering constantly..just depends on the brand, the flavour..and how well your own tastes buds are still functioning, after years of smoking! I think! lol!

Anyhoo..good luck with it....keep on experimenting with different flavours and set ups, as and when you get acquire them, and you should be alright.
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Again, thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to reply and offer advice. It's really helped practically and also with having the perseverance and confidence to try different vapes.

I started using the Innokin Adept this evening - WOW! What a difference! So simple to use and feels really good, loving it. Already looking at juices with lower nic content, just so I can vape more....and another tank for easily switching flavours....I thought I'd save money by giving up the fags and vaping instead but maybe not :rotflmao:

Feel much more confident I can stick with it now so THANK YOU!

ps. Got my Mum on to vaping too, she's kicked a 40 year habit and hasn't had a cig for 3 weeks, 2 days. When she tries the Adept tomrrow, I'm sure I'll be ordering another one :)
it starts by thinking I might get another tank.
then before you know it 'hmm maybe ill get another mod or two to save swapping tanks' over while ordering your 3rd tank with the money you've saved.
If you want to save money you will.

While you are finding the right kit and juices that work for you, that is not the time for worrying about spending a few quid,
I am sure that what you spent on smoking is more than enough to get you to the point where you have enough kit that you enjoy that you can think about saving money.

The first setup that really works for you is a major step on the road.
Both very true! Any money that doesn't go on cigarettes is money well spent, that's my justification anyway!
There's going to be an adjustment and investment period whilst you migrate to vaping, but it'll pay for itself within the first year (you might have some adjustment woes, but they'll pass within a month or two).

Point is, it might feel a bit shit at times, but stick with it and it'll ease up and you'll adjust.
it starts by thinking I might get another tank.
then before you know it 'hmm maybe ill get another mod or two to save swapping tanks' over while ordering your 3rd tank with the money you've saved.

Ah yes..the vaper's achilles heel, so to speak....al la....Shinyitis!

Has anyone come up with a cure for that, yet?! Just wondering like! :D
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Well done @Kate4567 . Stick with it. I have some of the new 1.2 ohm coils on the way. Will let you know what they're like.
Thanks Rew, always good to hear what other people think. I tried the 0.48 coil and didn't have any issues tbf, I think the Adept is just much better all round than what I was using.

That said, I'm finding it really tricky to find a liquid I can tolerate. Either the flavour disappears or it becomes unpleasant after a while. I'll love it for a week and then can't even bear the smell of it, kind of the opposite of vaper's tongue maybe :hmm: Am ordering some different flavours and will try rotating them more often, trial and error I guess.
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