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What are my best options?

Well what with mushroom shutting down I've ordered myself a rockmodz stab wood 26650 squonker for my 4 year vapeversary present :-)
Happy vapeversary @Trungo! Hope all good with you mate :) Nice to see you expanding on the squonk gear :D
Well what with mushroom shutting down I've ordered myself a rockmodz stab wood 26650 squonker for my 4 year vapeversary present :-)
Nice one. Enjoy and get some pics up so we can see please?
Re mushroom mods: They haven't closed down buddy. You just have to sign yourself up to their newsletter via the sticky note on their Facebook page as that's how they are making people aware of their orders now. They used to just have names on a list but it was probably a pita to chase people every time they needed to get their monies in
Will get some pics up once I get my hands on it. Was told it would be about an 8 week turn around so probably around Christmas I'd imagine.
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