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What build do you have in your Boro?

I wouldn't even say refinements, more like short-term availability and recycling stuff into a slightly different arrangement, sometimes it works, sometimes not. You credit these people with too much of a plan, to me it's like chimps throwing shit at a wall, even by the law of averages... some sticks.
I'm sick of spending money on vape gear, that much is a fact, time for other interests I feel.

I hear that. I think I'm pretty happy with what I've got now, for both boro stuff and RTAs/mods.

I'd like something fancier than the Pulse but they work and I don't have to baby them like I would something more pricey.

I wouldn't even say refinements, more like short-term availability and recycling stuff into a slightly different arrangement, sometimes it works, sometimes not. You credit these people with too much of a plan, to me it's like chimps throwing shit at a wall, even by the law of averages... some sticks.

That's the same for many things though. Certainly many of my other hobbies are like that (mountain biking, snowboarding, gaming) - changing things for the sake of it so people keep spending money.

As for vaping - this whole limited drop, sign up to a Facebook list, create a false sense of exclusivity/FOMO bullshit can get in the fucking bin though. Give me cheap clones and mass produced Chinese stuff any day :D
I've just been back on the forum for a couple of months. When i was last here a few years ago, Replay on DNA mods was the bees knees.
Nothing much seems to have changed, but AIO's seem to be the thing that folk like to play with now.
Nothing wrong with that. :)
I've just been back on the forum for a couple of months. When i was last here a few years ago, Replay on DNA mods was the bees knees.
Nothing much seems to have changed, but AIO's seem to be the thing that folk like to play with now.
Nothing wrong with that. :)

The Billet Box, on which most of these type of AIOs are based, have been around since 2012. They're very expensive though (even the SXK clone is pricey) so things like the Pulse et al are bringing the same experience to a wider market at a fraction of the price. That's probably what's responsible for somewhat of a resurgence, plus people are getting sick to death of cheap pods flooding the market for the past few years.
I'm sick of spending money on vape gear, that much is a fact, time for other interests I feel.
It's hard to stop spending once you've got into the habit over a number of years. As you say, no real improvements anywhere but the odd nicety pops up when a manufacturer takes a chance on something new.

I reckon it's just good ol' fashioned shinyitis that keeps folk buying.
You're not wrong. It's a fight I'm trying to win but I've spent too much on stuff I don't need this year already so I'm trying to reign it back in.
You're not wrong. It's a fight I'm trying to win but I've spent too much on stuff I don't need this year already so I'm trying to reign it back in.
Maybe try to find a new hobby? I don't know what you're into outside of vaping but I know for sure you have a shitload of gear already. New bits and bobs related to the new hobby could serve to feed the shinyitis and wouldn't necessarily push anything you already have onto a shelf? I dunno, just thinking out loud really.
Maybe try to find a new hobby? I don't know what you're into outside of vaping but I know for sure you have a shitload of gear already. New bits and bobs related to the new hobby could serve to feed the shinyitis and wouldn't necessarily push anything you already have onto a shelf? I dunno, just thinking out loud really.

Start making your own mods. Bound to save you money in the long run.
I have a sevo chipset billetbox to put a DNA in, that should cause enough havoc for a while :D
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