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What build do you have in your Boro?

Cheers for the replies lads, I think I am doing very similar already but shall have a further fiddle with it

Yeah it can take a bit of fiddling to get it just right. On the builds I've done sine the photos I've trimmed the sides a bit closer to the o-ring.

My current build has been going for 9 days now with no sign of a dry/burnt hit or muted flavour.
Cheers for the replies lads, I think I am doing very similar already but shall have a further fiddle with it
I've just rewicked mine excuse the crap pics but not had an issue doing it this way & I normally re do mine every six days at least.
On loan from @SkyBlueJ the ovis ram rba with mtl kit.
It's a damn good vape, not easy to build with round wire but a fused Clapton works nice.

did a rewick this morning on the meson aio mesh deck, this time i did the damn wicking method ie just so the cotton sits over the juice wells & wow this method really brings out the flavour :)
Couldn't judge really mate the Sure remains on the to try list with a few bridges still
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