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Just Bought myself another Lost Vape Centaurus from @Rocha_ZA on the Classifieds, I tried to resist but at £80 i couldn't let it go. Just glad he still had it and quite surprised no one else snapped it up.
Just Bought myself another Lost Vape Centaurus from @Rocha_ZA on the Classifieds, I tried to resist but at £80 i couldn't let it go. Just glad he still had it and quite surprised no one else snapped it up.
Nice one & a bargain I did look at it myself but as I don't use temp I would pass, instead got another Odin 200 sitting in my cart..
@Mutley1 I wasn't going to bother but it was on my mind all the time and i knew if i would of let it go at that price i would of been annoyed with myself, They aren't just made for Temp Control though in fact i haven't used mine for it. I did try TC on my Odin 200 a little while ago but now have my Profile RDTA on it. The Odin 200 is a cracking Mod and i love mine.
@Mutley1 I wasn't going to bother but it was on my mind all the time and i knew if i would of let it go at that price i would of been annoyed with myself, They aren't just made for Temp Control though in fact i haven't used mine for it. I did try TC on my Odin 200 a little while ago but now have my Profile RDTA on it. The Odin 200 is a cracking Mod and i love mine.

i did not realise the odin had tv oops & can understand why you went for the LVC & like you i have the profile rdta on my odin as its a cracking pair up TC is just one those things i tried once & cobfused the shite out of myself so stick with wattage lol.
I think most mods have TC though i had to download a patch or whatever for my Topside Squonker as it didn't come with TC. I have no idea why i downloaded it when i haven't used it lol, i think it was just a case of wanting it because it's available and not a case of needing it.
And this, fellow Apes -

"i think it was just a case of wanting it because it's available and not a case of needing it."

Is a pure definition of 'shinyitis' [emoji16]
Well @BigCloud @BULLDOG1964 I pulled the trigger on some of that swag supreme today. Should arrive by the end of the week. Very interested to see how it performs compared to CBP. Cheap as chips from cloudstix so it would have been rude not to!
Thanks for the tip about swag supreme and cloudstix. I bought a tub some time ago but put it in the cupboard and forgot about it. I tried it a few days ago and what a difference it makes; cleaner flavour and less prone to clogging from dirty juice as the coil ages. Six tubs are on their way - for £2.50 a tub it's a steal.
odin 200 from primevapes
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