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What did your Postie bring you today? - VAPE MAIL!

Wot Bulldog said! :)

Yeh..that TPD nonsense really needs to be given the Spanish Archer, pronto.

I have the option of 30, 60 and 100 ml bottles nic or no nic at my vape shop. Up to 24 mg reg nic. Dunno what size bottles the nic salts go to. But saw one at my shop other week looked like a 60 ml bottle but was a tobacco flavor no one wanted it lol
I have the option of 30, 60 and 100 ml bottles nic or no nic at my vape shop. Up to 24 mg reg nic. Dunno what size bottles the nic salts go to. But saw one at my shop other week looked like a 60 ml bottle but was a tobacco flavor no one wanted it lol

Yeh, the US is more flexible with it's ejuice bottle sizes..but we Brits have had this TPD for a couple of years or so now, since the EU introduced it 2016/17. It serves no purpose other than to protect the tobacco giants business interests...which as far i can tell...isn't working...well not in the UK anyway. More and more folks are taking up vaping and giving the stinkies the heaveho. I see it as a desperate act from the tobacco companies who were to slow to pick up on the rising popularity of vaping...and now trying to stem the hemorrhage of their dwindling profits!

Seeing as the UK is one of the more vaping tolerant countries currently, perhaps when we've left the EU (although gawd knows when or how this is gunna happen, given the disastrous mess Brexit nogotiations are presently!), maybe our government will kick this pointless TDP out for good. It's already put paid to several smaller ejuice companies, who weren't able to survive after TPD came in.

The UK could be the country to lead the way for vaping......in time! The US i gather, whilst it is currently tolerant towards the vaping industry..but i gather there's growing pressure there to introduce more restrictions & leglisations to curb the availability of vaping products in the US? Seems to be the case..unless i've misread things. Australia is one such country, where nicotine is heavily regulated.
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Today my postie bought me my Freemax Fireluke tank in black resin and a pack of five coils, well chuffed,
From @Michael jackson in the giveaway mystery prize......i AM in shock [emoji44][emoji44][emoji44] but extremely happy [emoji106][emoji16][emoji106]

Huge HUGE thanks bud.
I have the option of 30, 60 and 100 ml bottles nic or no nic at my vape shop. Up to 24 mg reg nic. Dunno what size bottles the nic salts go to. But saw one at my shop other week looked like a 60 ml bottle but was a tobacco flavor no one wanted it lol
It's actually a handy size option as they retail from around the equivalent of a dollar or so and are a cheap way of finding a flavour you like.
Pre tpd it used to be 10ml, 30/50/60/100 and 120ml.
As above the larger sizes are available still with the nic seperate.
Todays vape mail is a spool of Flatwire uk - Kanthal flat clapton wire.....
And not really vape mail but will be used at my vape desk in my man cave a small usb clip on desk fan.......
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