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What in blazes?


May 6, 2014
I made a diamond coil and put it in my PT the other day. It gives such a nice vape.

I tried to upload a picture of it, but it says I don't have permission.
Who's running the show here?
Give Bucket permission to post a picture please.

I tried to post ^that in a damn thread and I didn't have permission for that either?!?!?
Somebody tell me what the hell is going on?
And can you flip the gall derne switch that let's me post?

Battey Grenadier
I made a diamond coil and put it in my PT the other day. It gives such a nice vape.

I tried to upload a picture of it, but it says I don't have permission.
Who's running the show here?
Give Bucket permission to post a picture please.

I tried to post ^that in a damn thread and I didn't have permission for that either?!?!?
Somebody tell me what the hell is going on?
And can you flip the gall derne switch that let's me post?

Battey Grenadier

You have to have your 1st 2 posts approved by an admin or mod before you can post pics. You should have received a PM about this when you first joined :) Its also the very first thing listed in our "Posting Rules" and stickied at the top of this forum http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/f...tions_72/31911-attention-new-registrants.html

1 post down, 1 to go :D
What KMS said! Post a reply to this thread and within 5 minutes your account will be upgraded and you can post where you like. Apologies if this was frustrating but it's the only thing that we have found that keeps the spammers at bay!
Welcome to the planet, & don't be put off, a finer vape forum you will not find.
I know how it works. Lol

Just felt like being a bit of an ass in my first post.
I am an admin on a forum called Discussions and we only have a few people that are into vapor.
So I decided to join you guys as well. :)

You won't get any trouble out of me as I am used to upholding the rules rather than breaking them.
But I must warn you..... My humor is a bit twisted at times, and I am mostly never serious. More of a constant joker.

Battey Grenadier
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