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What is dripping?`

Please, nobody post images of the "other" alternative !!

But seriously, I found with dripping that I could rarely get a consistent vape due to flooding & dry hits - it`s quite a tricky balancing act and you need patience to get used to not putting too much in, and not letting it dry out..

..which I was hopeless at, but that bit inbetween when it worked, it was fine !

It can be tricky, it takes practise and how much you need to put really depends on the model you are usig, a dca or simply a drip shield can make things better though, all the excess liquid goes there ad you can just suck it in back bit by bit.
I have tried all sorts of vaping systems and now I find myself dripping almost exclusively. I really like it. I'm using RDA's and they last a good while
before you need to top up. The good thing from my point of view is that 'I get to put the thing down' once in a while!! For me when the flavour drops
off a little I tend to put my device down for a while, its akin to a ciggie going out! I like that factor. The other bonuses are Flavour, flavour and then some more flavour. Its hard to beat imho! With regards to faff, I don't find it faff at all. You just whip off yer drip tip and drop a few more drops in the atty. Now, filling up a tank imho is far more faffy. whip the cap off, trying not to damage the delicate coil and wick, get your needle bottle out and start to fill. Wait while the airlocks disperse, fill up some more, clean up the mess etc etc.
Just my observations :courage:
Give it a try, you might just like it!!
Get a Phoenix SS or similar and get into rebuilables too :) I find that 5 drops or so is the equivalent to smoking 2 ciggies so it's no faff at all. I still keep the boges or egoc for out and about but the flavour difference in the Phoenix is like night and day. Flavours that you may not like in other devices can really hit the spot with a 'dripper'

go on, you may like it.

Dripping is by far my favourite method just for flavour alone. It also comes in handy when you want to test multiple flavours to see what you like.
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