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What juice do you mix today... Thread

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Lots of yummy's ran out of VG Luckily I have 5L on route for Monday


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Revisited blue rasberry and its a 2/3 out of 5 the smell of the thing was better than the taste
Revisited blue rasberry and its a 2/3 out of 5 the smell of the thing was better than the taste

I've tried blue raspberry with Capella flavours and Inawera and combinations of the two manufacturers and I still don't like it. Something missing. Tried it with citric acid as well, didn't help. I was thinking of adding sour or grapefruit for more of a twang but I ain't got either at the mo. I have lime but it can easily become the dominant flavour so haven't tried it yet. Getting bored of trying to make it work!
I've tried blue raspberry with Capella flavours and Inawera and combinations of the two manufacturers and I still don't like it. Something missing. Tried it with citric acid as well, didn't help. I was thinking of adding sour or grapefruit for more of a twang but I ain't got either at the mo. I have lime but it can easily become the dominant flavour so haven't tried it yet. Getting bored of trying to make it work!

I hear ya pal, i smelt it and thought wow but the taste was lack luster unfortunatly :(
So after a thread last night mentioned a tribute to pratchett I incorrectly guessed it might be scumble.
This inspired me to have a poke at it this evening.

Mainly apples
A few glugs of congac
A little glug of spicy rum.
A dribble of cherry liquor
A drop of liquorice
And a hint of winter berries.

Actually. My best mix. Time to write the recipie down if I can put the dripper down.
Today I mixed 300ml of rhodonite
200 ml of mikes melons
200ml of twisty
And 1l of unicorn milk the other day
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