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What rda are you using

Tray Virus

Jan 23, 2017
currently using a wraith with a odis o atty and hadaly.
Only have 2 atty in rotation and only use each rda for a day before it gets rewicked.
Have lp goon but that's best at 50 watts and above.
I'm intrigued to find out what others have in there rotation.
Goon 24
Goon LP
Split Atty
DDP Typhon
Petri v1.5
NoName NoLegal
NoName NoLegal, I thought it was some kind of type error or mumbo jumbo but just googled this and it looks a good little rda.

Newman where did you order that clone from.
NoName NoLegal, I thought it was some kind of type error or mumbo jumbo but just googled this and it looks a good little rda.

Newman where did you order that clone from.
Fasttech good sir. Have a look at the squonking at fasttech thread on there. Got the sjmy one
Just been looking on ft and found them Newms, couldn't see a squonk pin with the sjmy clone?
Got a mad dog clone from ecigone the other day and it's absolutely great. Was only a tenner too
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