I have to say that, having allowed myself to be sucked into VMSs story, and not being able to tear myself away for fear that I might miss the actual POINT......at the end of the day I am incredibly let down....I feel like I have been taken for a fool because at the beginning of the story I was given the impression that there would be some sort of incredible revelation that would literally knock my socks off, yet in the end the whole thing was completely anti-climatic
Of course, it isn't any of my business, but being the curious human that I am, I became, as they say, curiouser and curiouser the more I read; however, having spent FAR too much time reading way too much of nothing really substantive, I am left feeling kind of like a girl who was promised an amazing orgasm, only to be taken for a ride on a ferris wheel while wearing an impenetrable pair of stainless steel panties....btw, I am not female, I do not wear panties, stainless steel or otherwise (although hopefully my boxers ARE stainless
), and I have never actually been PROMISED an orgasm......it just tends to happen when I get excited.......
So, in closing, I would like to say.....thank you VMS, for sharing absolutely nothing with me
Don't get me wrong, I agree with others who have said that if this mysterious people-feelings-hurter was actually ripping ppl off in some way, then he/she should be outed......but from what I read there does not seem to be any evidence of that sort of thing.....it looks like this person basically communicated with a lot of people about various vape-related issues, and pretended to be someone that he/she was not - well, that pretty much goes for the majority of the people on my facebook friends' list - although none of them go as far as to post pictures of other people and pass them off as themselves (that I know of anyway), most people I know portray a wildly different persona on the internet than they portray in "real" life - if people had their feelings hurt in terms of romantic entanglements etc.....I fail to see how it pertains to vaping...but, like I said, none of my business anyway - I AM, however, still curious about this, I just can't help myself.......could someone "in the know" please tell me if perhaps there was some sort of online relationship going on here? Now THAT would explain the blog to me