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What would you change on this recommendation?


Nov 28, 2014
A fellow poster on a non vaping forum has asked me to recommend some kit to take back to Kuwait with him; he is and, I quote:

"An eff off, full on ultra smoker, bells and whistles kit with enough spares to last me a few months in KW - I want something you guys would recommend so I dont have to upgrade soon - I am quite into building my own kit so basically a high quality vapouriser and all its add ons -

And tobacco flavoured smoke - Embassy regal or Players Navy Cut, woodbines etc"

He's a handy bastirt with computers, and is a Sciences teacher out there - show him a few video 'How To's' and he's away - he's got a more than passing knowledge of Ohm's law!

I was thinking: IPV D2 - IPV kit is notoriously rugged and reliable, 75w is way more than enough, temp control, on board charging.

Which leads me on to my next suggestion of the latest Kanger Subtank with the 1.5ohm coils, but probably the ni200 ones to take advantage of the D2; he's gonna want to vape like he smokes and I reckon temp control can get him the closest to that. The Subtank gives the option of being self sufficient via the RBA section, which will appeal to him.

Velocity RDA, which will appeal to the geek in him! Dripping some nice liquid on to one of the easiest to build decks there is, show him Tubbyengineer 's twisted ni200 build videogram, and he can satisfy his inner smoker without fear of dry hits.

As a back up mod, I'm going to tell him to buy a Subox kit, then he won't have to buy the latest Kanger Subtank, as he'll already have one ;)

Tobacco liquids are not my forte, but HoL, Manabush, Triphammer - any others?

I'll also suggest decent batteries, charger, coiling kit, wire etc etc etc when I ask him his budget.

Any changes you would make? I've went for rugged reliabilty, safety, something a geeky smoker would appreciate that could give a near cigarette experience, and could sit and relax in a fug whilst getting a good nicotine hit when needed. And no dry hits.

So two mods, tank and a dripper covers the 'heir and a spare' part.

Any thoughts?
I think you've compiled a great list there. Have him pick up an EHpro D1 and he'll have a great set up. Maybe two D2s.
I would go for a mod that has a proven track record, the D2 is too new .

Dont forget about backups as well ;)
Add in a pack of these fabulous POM & SS drip tips from FT - clicky. So comfortable and they stay totally cool. Work very well with the STM and the Velocity.
It is, but you just know the D2 is going to be the same dependable tank of a mod that the IPV mini 2 was, except with temp control. That's just the way Pioneer4you rolls. :D
I would go for a mod that has a proven track record, the D2 is too new .

Dont forget about backups as well ;)

IPV gear tends to be rock solid and reliable, which was my thinking behind that option; or a Sig 75w - I think temp control is a feature worth having, for consistency of vape if nothing else, but longer lasting coils also seeing as he plans on tobacco liquids. I'm struggling to think of any other mods that'll be reliable with TC at a reasonable price point?

I'm open to any/all suggestions.
It's a budget thing, I'm having enormous fun here fogging out the room with a Snow wolf and a clone Velocity running dual nickel at 420f and max power (I've got it set at 100w but fairly sure max is 70w for TC), was also having enourmous fun earlier running the TFV4 at 70w and blowing big fluffy ones!

I'd say go for something with a proven track record, and yes a backup, possibly triple redundancy depending on the ability to get access to new kit...
I'd certainly consider a Kanger Subox. Get two batteries, a second mini tank spare RBA plus a few general coils etc and he can't go far wrong. They is better kit no doubt but imo this is a great introduction with enough advance features to keep people going but still standard enough parts are easy to pick up.
Not saying IPV gear is crappy .... they are one of the more reputable manufacturers and they use the YiHi chipset
but why take the risk if he only has one device on an unproven device ?

Sigelei are considered a reputable manufacturer but I wonder why the FB sales pages are full of Sigelei 75w TC mods for sell

My recommendation .... YiHi SXmini M class
Your paying a lot more but you are getting a proven device with more "bells and whistles" than the D2 ;)

Tobacco flavoured juice, nothing even comes close to how an analogue tastes like.
Everyone who first starts vaping looks for a juice like that, it does not exist ... welll not that I found any.
The juices I vaped that got me off the analogues where ones from House Of Liquid ... El Toro Guevara, El Toro Cigarillos and Chivalry (discontinued)
These are all made from tobacco leaves
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