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When do you need to change coil ?

I never used to use water but for the last 6 months I have been and I've found it to clean the coils so much better. I pretty much do what rip trippers advises. 2 or three mins and my coils are like new with no need to brush them. I'll get 3-4 weeks from a coil vaping really sweet juices
Dr Farsalinos says dry burning coils has the potential for negative health impact. I always try and avoid doing it. Wire is cheap.
I change the coil whenever I rewick. But it seems I don’t do this as often as most of you.

I've been running a pair of coils made by @Smut since the end of March and still going well.

As for cotton, well... I've been running the same cotton for about 2 weeks. Pretty sure I'm due a rewick soon.
Aye on average I probably do them about once every week or two as well. I see people talking about rewicking every couple of days, couldn’t be arsed with the bother myself.
Obviously as previously mentioned you coil just needs a clean, I also use the dry burn and water method.

I am still using the original coil 3 months old and still going strong, though I would suggest that you need to clean & rewick before it gets that gunky if you want the best flavour.

zouzounaki good to see the kitty back :)
Exactly why I leave it so long. Suppose that's [i[another[/i] advantage of DIY juice. If my cotton still looks and tastes fine then I'm not changing it. And I just vape it until dry if I want to drip another flavour. Had all sorts through it from tobaccos, custards, fruits, creamy stuff
I have a zephyr at the minute with a mesh wick in it. I’ve used it a bit, but not looked into maintenance of it.
IMO if you can not tell your wick needs changing, coil cleaning or replacing, without looking at it , then it is still ok.

I tend to rewick and clean every weekend because I like to have routines for some things. When I was mixing juice with higher vg and more flavour I used to have to do it twice a week. When I was coil cleaning and wick changing twice a week it was usually because I was noticing the reduction in vape quality now I do it to avoid the drop in quality that will come at some point in the next week.

Just looked at the coil In my rda and the wick looks not bad but the coil certainly looks gunky, it seems to be vaping ok to me so I will leave it till the weekend as usual.
Been rewicking mine roughly every three days..
Removing the cotton and dry burn the coil and then scrape gently with something metal...give it a blowing..you don’t need water or I have never used water..
Dry burn again and the coil becomes silver and clean again..one final blow on the coil ..I rewick and start again.
Worked a treat
Many thanks
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