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That's vaping, it's a bit of a leap of faith as the early investment can sting a bit and there are no guarantees you made the right choice, but...

As you unbox your latest shiny electronic vapour producing phallus, slide in a fully charged battery and watch the screen come to life there is a certain sense of joy far and above anything related to smoking and you will save a lot of money in the coming months, if you got it right...

I never once walked out of the corner shop carrying my pack of cigs with a smile on my face and the urge to tweak my bellend !
There's also an iPhone app called "since I quit" which is handy to remind you how well your doing & how much you've saved.

All the app needs now is a how much you've spent vaping tab & it's a winner

Search for the app called VapeMate. It does both. ;)
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