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Which clones are worth looking at?


Mar 15, 2018
I can be cheap at times, mostly I like value and a good deal. I'm finishing up my PhD and I have a kid. Hopefully, after submitting I will find an internship that allows me to be more generous with my hobbies. I currently have a number of tanks, both from purchases and giveaways.

Buildable tanks
  • Geek Vape Radar RDA
  • The Wotofo Troll RTA
  • OBS Engine RTA
  • OBS Engine Nano RTA
  • Wotofo Serpent BF RDA
Stock coil tanks
  • Smok TFV8 Baby Beast
  • GeekVape Aero Mesh.
I would like to try some new tanks that are not too thirsty. I'm happy with the juice consumption of the smoke baby beast. I'm going for flavour and low juice consumption.

I would be interested in a single-coil DTL that offers something different.
In order to cut juice I've been trying to use higher ohm builds in the engine nano and I don't think it is working very well because they were not designed for it. This has me thinking about MTL tanks but not wanting to pay a lot to try something completely new. What single coil DTL and MTL clones are similar to the originals. I know they won't look at night and build quality can be different, but I would like them to perform similarly in a blind vape test. I want to find out if I like MTL or if I should stick with DTL.

After I get an idea of what I'm looking for and I can put up a WTB thread and hopefully I will be able to get something from someone at the next London meet up in exchange for a pint or two.

Clone Recommendations:
Big cloners: Coppervape, SXK, SJMY, YFTK.
Recommended sellers: 3fvape and fastech

From @zouzounaki - My advice would be to look at the FT reviews and discussions when looking at the cheaper clones. They can sometimes be as good or better.
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A kayfun 5 clone might be ideal for you. Have a look on fasttech and just refer to the reviews and discussions, you’ll find a good one super cheap. This one comes in the same “mod” box as my prime did, and has decent reviews.

Or even the prime, on the looser airflow settings. I have this one and it’s been very good, no complaints at all after a few months use. https://m.fasttech.com/products/3042/10044009/9619221-kf-prime-styled-rta-rebuildable-tank-atomizer
You can get a Smok Spirals for as little as £12 in the UK. It comes with two stock coils and a single coil RBA deck. It also has quite restrictive airflow. I have just bought the Mrs one and when she has used up the stock coils I am going to try a higher ohm coil in it as I am convinced it will make a stealthy MTL tank.
A kayfun 5 clone might be ideal for you. Have a look on fasttech and just refer to the reviews and discussions, you’ll find a good one super cheap. This one comes in the same “mod” box as my prime did, and has decent reviews.

Or even the prime, on the looser airflow settings. I have this one and it’s been very good, no complaints at all after a few months use. https://m.fasttech.com/products/3042/10044009/9619221-kf-prime-styled-rta-rebuildable-tank-atomizer

Any other MTL RTAs you could recommend? I seem to be getting into it a wee bit and would like to try a reasonably inexpensive one to see if it's for me.
For MTL I would try the Dvarw from Fastech..


Very cheap, the build quality is ok, 5ml tank, assorted extra tanks, I would imagine you could get a restricted DL experience from it with the most open air flow adapter so if you decide against mtl it wont be a complete waste of money.

Its bottom fill and once you have set the airflow up you cannot adjust it without opening up the tank, but once you have it set how you want it you wouldn't need to change it anyway. The tank is not glass either so it does have its faults but I prefer it over the other clones I have.
Not gonna get into which clone is good and which isn't as others will give better advice than I will.


The one piece of advice I would give is do not buy a clone of a cheap Chinese device. If you're gonna buy, buy an original. If you're gonna buy a clone make sure it's a clone of something high end. Like the Kayfun, Taifun, Dvarw or Skyline. And whenever possible stick to the big name cloners like Coppervape, SXK, SJMY, YFTK.
Not gonna get into which clone is good and which isn't as others will give better advice than I will.


The one piece of advice I would give is do not buy a clone of a cheap Chinese device. If you're gonna buy, buy an original. If you're gonna buy a clone make sure it's a clone of something high end. Like the Kayfun, Taifun, Dvarw or Skyline. And whenever possible stick to the big name cloners like Coppervape, SXK, SJMY, YFTK.

Agree with everything except for the “branded” clone comment, sometimes the cheaper clones can be as good or better than the “branded” clones. The prime I picked up for about a tenner has been perfect, but I’ve seen complaints about the sxk one at twice the price (dodgy o rings etc.). Likewise with a K5 no name clone and a le magister no name clone I picked up for a fiver. My advice would be to look at the FT reviews and discussions when looking at the cheaper clones. They can sometimes be as good or better.

Saying that, I’ve had quite a few coppervape clones which have all been very good.
Any other MTL RTAs you could recommend? I seem to be getting into it a wee bit and would like to try a reasonably inexpensive one to see if it's for me.

As others have mentioned, the dvarw is a good one. If you like something a bit different though, I’d recommend le mirage, I picked the sxk version up for about a fiver from 3fvape and I have to say it’s great, vertical builds, single 30awg coil or even dual coils with 34awg. It goes from a good tight mtl to pretty loose, quite a versatile wee device and It’s a very interesting design. Le magister is worth a look as well. They’re something between a dripper with a giant well and a tank.
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