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Which vaccine did you get and did you get any side-effects

Which vaccine did you get?

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Astra Zeneca 1st jab, the beginning of Feb. Sore arm where the jab went in and felt a little bit peculiar the next day and quite cold for a few days after.

2nd jab- no after effects, the bruise was bigger, but not sore at all. I will add that I don’t really feel the cold, however I’ve never been really warm since. The Vaccine must have affected my internal body temp. Feel ok though. It’s just a bit odd.
Pfizer First jab nothing, 2nd slight headache, bit tired, sore arm for couple of days. now i`m fine.
Had the Moderna.


Sorry, couldn't resist. :lol1:
Which vaccine did you get, have you had a single dose or both, did you get any side effects?
Younger bro (51) had the AZ last Wed, had a TIA (mini stroke) on Fri. Mine was for T'day.....cancelled.
I can understand that, you have to go with your gut.
He is a huntin' shootin' fishin' type, fit as a butchers dog, gave up the fags for vape in 2012 and sacked the boozing in 2006??? Scared the actual drawers right off me. Right now, at least, I am minded to take my chances with the disease. So fuckin sad to see such a strong man laid so low. Still unknown the full extent of the damage. Not saying it was the vax, no evidence one way or t'other, but that is some fuckin coincidence.
He is a huntin' shootin' fishin' type, fit as a butchers dog, gave up the fags for vape in 2012 and sacked the boozing in 2006??? Scared the actual drawers right off me. Right now, at least, I am minded to take my chances with the disease. So fuckin sad to see such a strong man laid so low. Still unknown the full extent of the damage. Not saying it was the vax, no evidence one way or t'other, but that is some fuckin coincidence.
I hope he's OK. Scary. :grouphug:
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