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Which voltage eGo Mega Twist on Mini ProTank 3 - 1.8ohms DC?


Feb 25, 2015
Hi everyone, a few newbie questions I have that I hope you can help with. I have mini pro tank 3 with 1.8 ohm dual core atomiser. I am using the eGo Mega Twist VV as my main battery, and the standard eGo (650mah) as back up for when its on charge. I tend to only vape in the evenings. I am currently getting a nice flavour at around 3.5 volts on the Twist but wonder if this setting is maybe a little too low. At higher settings the vapour seems warmer, and a bit harsh. Just wondering if there is anyone else who has a similar set up and what they might use. I have gone with the theory that whatever tastes / feels right is the best setting. I am trying to avoid setting the volts too high as I read recently about some nasty stuff that can be produced by having eliquid too hot and am aware I have a lower ohm atomiser so dont want to crank it all the way to the max. Thanks for reading!!
youve kind of already answered your own question imo. its whatever YOU feel gives you the best vape for YOU with the set up you are using at the time. dont get hung up on the pissing contest that is watts and volts lol
youve kind of already answered your own question imo. its whatever YOU feel gives you the best vape for YOU with the set up you are using at the time. dont get hung up on the pissing contest that is watts and volts lol

I agree, if it works for you you don't need to fix it.

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It depends also on your juice, they can vary, start low and gradually increase the volts till you hit your sweet spot. Revving up the volts can cause a burnt taste which is umpleasant and you risk burning the coil out totally
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