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Who's going to vape jam?

@Ment I hear you about the edexcel. I used to live on the dlr and it still took an AGE! Still I'm starting up a blog so I'm gonna cover it if I can (and i don't get distracted by all the free shi*)
i’ll be going again this year. will be my 3rd time. It’s a really good event, plenty of stuff there just be prepared for ‘adults’ fighting over free t shirts, caps and in the line for the frankenskull stand
Here's a vid I took of the scrum last year :D

At the first one I went to, Suicide Bunny were handing out carrier bags with their whole range - over £100 worth of juice, but I've seen nothing like that since, and when you think about it, it's a bit degrading to scramble around for a 10ml bottle of juice.

Yeah, very greedy people. The way I see it I'm getting those liquids for £15 (entry to the event + travel costs) so it's still costing me money and I would prefer the whole bag to myself BUT if I see me and another guy/girl had a hand on it I would suggest to split the liquids to make it fair. That would be me in that scenario but no one is like me:14:
If I go, I’ll probably cycle there. So seaties will be a tenner from anywhere in a 2 mile radius.
Edit: north of the river. Smart arses.
Hmm, I'm contemplating to go but then again I'd have no one to go with. My friends are vapers but they have exams that following Monday so they have to dedicate their time to the library. I wouldn't enjoy this event on my own..
Hmm, I'm contemplating to go but then again I'd have no one to go with. My friends are vapers but they have exams that following Monday so they have to dedicate their time to the library. I wouldn't enjoy this event on my own..
Can hang out with me? I'm a loner too :D
Hmm, I'm contemplating to go but then again I'd have no one to go with. My friends are vapers but they have exams that following Monday so they have to dedicate their time to the library. I wouldn't enjoy this event on my own..

I don't know if it's because I'm a moody bastard but I prefer these events on my own. There's so much to see and do, and there's no way you're going to agree on exactly how much time to spend at each stand or which stands to stop at.

I'm going with a crowd this time and I've already told them we're splitting up and meeting up for drinks.
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