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Written by MARK MCKAY

THE Euro MP for Burton has voiced opposition to plans for a European-wide ban on electronic cigarettes.

As part of its directive on tobacco, the EU wants to class e-cigarettes as a medicinal product in a move which some users fear will effectively price them out of the market.

Now, West Midlands MEP Nikki Sinclaire has joined other opponents to the move in delivering a letter on behalf of e-cigarette users.

She said: “Users of e-cigarettes have contacted me in their thousands.

“This community, known as vapers, have been calling for MEPs to block this new legislation as they believe that it will be detrimental to the people who choose to use them.”

The e-cigarette market in Europe last year was worth 500 million Euros.

It is thought that by the end of 2013, almost one million people in the UK will be have tried e-cigarettes at least once.
I personally think that those figures could be well underestimated.
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