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Why you should mix your own juice.

Whoooooa! Steady on you two, that's enough. Shut the laptop for an hour and go and make a cup of tea.
Of course not. What do you think I am? A gutless, apathetic bellend? Given what the post says, your comment just proves my point.
Your point is that you want more vapers to act, your method is to be divisive, describe them as witless, shiny tube dribblers and delusional cowards. Good luck with that approach soldier boy.

Sorry man_d to miss your post ... I was making a cup of tea ... ;)
Your point is that you want more vapers to act, your method is to be divisive, describe them as witless, shiny tube dribblers and delusional cowards. Good luck with that approach soldier boy.

Sorry @man_d to miss your post ... I was making a cup of tea ... ;)

;) Well I guess I walked into that one!

Let's calm it down though now please chaps, this was an interesting discussion but when it starts getting heated both sides lose the power of their arguments.

Although I have now possibly lost the opportunity to quote my mother and say "If you two don't stop bickering this minute I'm going to stop this car and bang your bloody heads together!" ;)
No we're not there yet and no we're not stopping for a wee, I told you to go before we left so you'll just have to hold it, it's your own fault!

Any more out of the pair of you for the rest of the journey and I'll leave you both at the nearest police station!
Listen guys it's simple - label it differently. Nicotine is a PESTICIDE and so if EU regs win, here's what y'all doooooo

This product contains pesticide
Not for human consumption.
Of course this pesticide is the same pesticide as
the pesticide you may have been addicted to in
cigarettes, nicotine, and this bottle contains a
similar amount to that in a cigarette, when inhaled a few puffs at a time.
But we are advising you against doing that because
the tobacco industry made a law in the EU telling us to.
This pesticide has a fruity blueberry overtone with a milky
creamy effect. It will kill your plants.
Happy "gardening"
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