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Why you should mix your own juice.

Second he fails to include the validity of the do nothing approach

That's because it doesn't have any. Be as lazy, apathetic and selfish as you like - that's your right - but don't pretend it's a valid approach to anything beyond looking out for yourself. And when I was in the Army we had a name for people who refuse to stand up and fight. It starts with C and rhymes with Howard.
@scrumpox you are the most ardent and vocal dononothingist I have ever come across.
A rare breed, possibly unique.
I pick my fights and don't have much passion for this one. You're off the mark to assume that I'm doing NOTHING however.

You're cocooned amongst hobbyists here, think you'll find apathy to be pretty much the majority position. It's rather sad when the activists get frustrated and decide to pick on the apathetic instead of the real enemy but that hints on the main problem here.
Instead of trying to understand the sheer breadth and potential of the vaping community

How much potential does your self-confessed apathy and unwillingness to do anything have? Zero, by any chance? I'd suspect you were that little creep itsmeitis if I didn't already know exactly who you are.
It's rather sad when the activists get frustrated and decide to pick on the apathetic instead of the real enemy but that hints on the main problem here.

The main problem here is the apathetic. It wouldn't be so bad if the likes of you and Ged would just STFU, but instead you always have to snipe at the people who ARE doing something. What is it, an attempt to justify your own laziness?
That's because it doesn't have any. Be as lazy, apathetic and selfish as you like - that's your right - but don't pretend it's a valid approach to anything beyond looking out for yourself. And when I was in the Army we had a name for people who refuse to stand up and fight. It starts with C and rhymes with Howard.
... and when I was in the Army we had a word for those who couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery let alone lead the fight ... graveyards full of lives from their stupidity, hubris and personal agendas ... so we all had a bullet with HH's name on it.
so we all had a bullet with HH's name on it.

Sure you did. What were you, a fat RP lance jack who sat round the guardroom drinking tea and telling war stories, but was too apathetic to ever actually do anything? Go admire your stash of nic and tubes a bit more.
Sure you did. What were you, a fat RP lance jack who sat round the guardroom drinking tea and telling war stories, but was too apathetic to ever actually do anything? Go admire your stash of nic and tubes a bit more.
Thought you said you knew who I was? You know fuck all so fuck you! Got no tubes, got no stash of nic ... but a declining respect for those "leaders" whose only way to get followers is to acuse them of cowardice if they don't. Where did you learn that?
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