Hey man .. the point is .. I dont think they WANT UK juice manufacturers outside of the massive companies and big pharma / big tobacco ..
having seen some of the rather scary shit they are expecting us to do in draft form .. I feel confident in saying they are aiming squarely at cutting us off at the knees
not trying to get in an argument and its s'not me being pessimistic .. Im actually rather optimistic it will get either a: overturned or b: considerably re negotiated. but as the draft stands at the minute .. well lets just say draconian is not the word
Actually, I share your optimism or at least have the belief that the challenge will force major redrafts. There's a glaring area for differing interpretation, call it a loop hole if you want, regarding liquid placed on the market for consumers and the ingredients that form that liquid. Look at 3a, b, c and d and it's a stretch to think that applies to nicotine concentrate ... which is the pessimistic view offered on this thread, this forum and other forums.
Regulation is going to affect juice manufacturers but that should be welcomed by consumers. Wish you all the best with that, man. On the plus side the opportunity for those getting through the regs will be epic!!
On the funnier side, it's going to be hilarious when e-cigarette devices have to pass stringent tests against leaking!
I expect juice manufacturer to require either a poisons license or some other form of permit.
The only reason I expect this is otherwise it will be a glaring loophole in their regulations.
You think they will leave this loophole open,I think otherwise. Either they will notice the loophole (if it is one,I am not sure I buy your distinction about ingredients and products) when they come to draft the details of the regulations or they will notice shortly afterwards.
At the end of the day we just believe different things and are acting according to those beliefs.We both have to live with the decisions we make and I assume You are happy for me to built up a wee stock just as I am happy for you to choose not to.
Each to their own.
Not only do I believe there's a glaring loophole, I feel as you do, that it would have to be sustantially rewritten to separate finished fluids on the market for vaping and the constituent ingredients that form it. It's hopelessly inadequate as it stands such that nicotine vendors would have no problem driving an articulated tanker through it, let alone a 0.25 litre bottle of 72mg/ml.
I would be surprised if HM Govt miss the chance to whack tax on nicotine concentrate, but paying tax on it hardly amounts to an imminent ban. Paying 100% tax on it wouldn't force me to consider filling up a freezer with a lifetime's supply. Paying 20% tax on it would seem reasonable, though I would certainly take advantage of the tax free period before it came into force.
I still see nothing at all that even hints that there'll be a ban on 72mg/ml nicotine concentrate. If and when I see it I'll change my stance.